Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Is SL More Like Paris Hilton or Tyra Banks?
While the mainstream media (hereafter MSM) continues its uncritical jeans-creaming over Second Life, bloggers who are actually familiar with virtual spaces are less easily aroused. In the latest blogger broadside, The Forge , massively unimpressed by the Ben Folds nonevent, calls Second Life the “Paris Hilton of virtual wolds. Famous for being famous and little [...]
Full StoryWashed up Emo Musician Drops F-Bomb on Fans in SL Visit
video by paparrazo, Stephen Hutcheon Ben Folds, a washed up solo musician straddling the that rich musical territory somewhere between emo and John Denver, had a “virtual launch party” at Sony BMG’s Media Island, a beach head in the corporate invasion of Second Life. As the above video by Stephen Hutcheon shows, virtual release [...]
Full StoryNew Citizen Stipends Chopped
LL gives itself a 25% discount on new Premium citizens by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Linden Lab recently announced that as of November 1, new “premium grade” citizens will cost the Lab 25% less in Linden dollars – buying in bulk works! Just in time for the holidays, new premium accounts will be paid [...]
Full StoryThe Nutty Professor on TSO and the Second Jessie War
Oh baby, when will they retire that nutty professor? Herald Paparazzi caught up with him at the Computers and Philosophy conference at RPI, expounding on the history of Evangeline’s Hotel Erotica, the Sim Sorority House, the Sim Shadow Government, the Free Money for Newbies scam house, Uri’s banning from TSO, One Song, the WWIIOLers, the [...]
Full StoryHair Fair 2006!

by Matthias Zander Hair Fair 2006 began this morning on Panache Island to a amongst a great amount of lag. I visited the Hair Fair just after waking this morning, and let me tell you, it is HAIR OVERLOAD! There are some things in the exhibition that lasts until April 20 that are done extremely [...]
Full StoryTerdiman Examines SL “Age Play” reporter Daniel Terdiman has written a thoughtful piece discussing age play in second life — the practice of playing minors, presumably often for sexual purposes. There is also a good interview with Terdiman, by Tony Walsh, on Clickable Culture. We have but two comments. First, while the article says the practice is legal, I [...]
Full StoryGenital Review: Play Sexy (male)

by Matthias Zander To continue the Herald’s strong dedication to weeding out the weak for our readers, we are now bringing you the first of a set of genital test-drives that will review and rank genitals for both males and females. This week’s victim is the Play Sexy "Commander" cock for our male readers. Play [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl Toni Tiramisu

After a bit of a "Spring Break," the Herald is very happy to present to you this week’s Post Six Grrrl Toni Tiramisu! Toni tends to be a woman of mystery, going through SecondLife and not joining many, if any groups, and mainly staying to herself. It appears that she enjoys playing the piano, though, [...]
Full StoryKing Philip Joins the Cast of SecondCast
I’m listening to Episode #10 of SecondCast at the moment, the first of our two-part podcast with Philip Linden, aka Philip Rosedale, the founder and CEO of Linden Lab. The show isn’t quite as free-wheeling as usual, in part because we had to run our questions by SL’s PR machinery before we could ask them. [...]
Full StoryPost Six Boy Matthias Zander

Due to frequent requests over the past 14 months or so (since the Post Six Grrrls were introduced), we at the Herald are very pleased to introduce the first of the Post Six Boys, Matthias Zander! Matthias is not only the fashion and reviews editor of the Herald, but he also creates jewelry and shoes [...]
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