Archive for January, 2006
Interview with TrannyPet Barmy

In this interview we speak with TrannyPet Barmy, the gifted scripter and alleged griefer who made the Hand of Satan push gun and the DBomber notecard spamming weapon in addition to an advertising broadcasting system during his first incarnation on Second Life. After being permabanned for questionable reasons, he returned as AsterixLe Gall – better [...]
Full StoryCybering on the Teen Grid? Lindens Adopt Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy.
By Mercury Metropolitan News has been spreading quickly around the Teen Grid that "smutty" IMs are acceptable if both parties are in consent. Apparently, a Linden has been informing players that these "smutty" conversations are hard to police, and are only moderated accordingly if one of the parties reports the other. This also brings up [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl Rhapsody Rutherford

I’m pleased to introduce to you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Rhapsody Rutherford! Rhapsody is a long-time SecondLife’er who owns two clothing stores and is always on a search for new knowledge. Thanks again to Daphne Molinari, owner of Daphne’s Delights and the texture artist of Forever Yours, for these absolutely gorgeous photographs!
Full StoryBlizzard: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. But Go Ahead and Call People “Fag” All You Like.
In Newsweekly ("New England’s Largest GLBT Newsletter") is running a story on an appalling new "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy on the part of Blizzard Entertainment where gay- and lesbian-friendly guilds are concerned (linked from BoingBoing the other day). Apparently, a member of a World of Warcraft guild advertising itself on the Blizzard forums as [...]
Full Storytest post for Herald TV
This is a test post for what in the fullness of time will evolve into the Herald TV branch of the Herald media empire. Posted here is actually a story from TechTV on the ESRB ratings of online games, featuring former Herald staffer Jessica and cranky professor L. VE_EmbedPlayer(“gid325/cid1093″, “TypePad/274032_1138387069″);
Full StoryThe Demi-Pharaoh Speaks!
A Tale in the Desert is one of those games that chooses to tread the dangerous boards of player-run government, at least to a limited extent. The game’s demi-pharaohs, of which there have been some 20 over the last three years, each have the power to exile up to seven of their countrymen, should they [...]
Full StoryOh Joy, SL Taps Users to be Forum Mods — and we know how well THAT works.

The last time we saw users as forum mods. (Just a stroll down memory lane…). Yes, it’s true folks, dipping again into that inexhaustable well of users that will fluff for peanuts, the Lindens have enlisted a group of SL residents to moderate the SL Forums — or so reports Jeska Linen. Actually we like [...]
Full StoryWired News Covers Virtual Lecture Circuit
Joanna Glasner has an interesting article in Wired News on the topic of the recent spate of virtual lectures in Second Life by cyberlebrities such as Cory Doctorow, Lawrence Lessig and others. Doctorow thought the format helped create a bond between author and audience, but the ever cranky professor Ludlow is not so sanquine: “It [...]
Full StoryMore Lessig Less Linden Please!

Gumby and his 300 pound Samoan Attorney enjoy their virtual autographed copies of Free Culture. by Paul Lineker, Iggy Sleeper, and Dirk Diggler This past Wednesday, Lawrence Lessig’s visited Second Life and was met by enthusiastic fans eager to hear his words regarding the cyberspace-related problems that have surfaced within recent years. By the time [...]
Full StoryFlipper on MTV?

Our friend Stephen Totilo of has a story on SL resident FlipperPM Peregrine’s recent attempts to sell real world stuff for Linden dollars at his SLBoutique. It even looks like he will be selling copies of Only a Game for Lindens as well. We can see how the book might sell, but the rest [...]
Full Story
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