Archive for January, 2006
Animal Auctioning

Technical issues kept me from posting this sooner, but it wouldn’t be the Herald without a bulletin on the auction market that’s sprung up for stuff found in the Nintendo DS massively wifi-player game Animal Crossing. Thanks to a Faithful Reader for alerting us to where all things Animal Crossing can be bought and [...]
Full StoryC|Net Covers Lessig Visit
Daniel Terdiman has a story on C|Net covering the visit to Second Life of Stanford Law Professor and author of Free Culture, Lawrence Lessig. Its a great story except for the end when he sites that cranky old professor Ludlow, who has nothing good to say about anything it seems. Hamlet Linden also has been [...]
Full StoryNo Pain no Fun?

In an interesting recent post on Terra Nova, Bonnie Ruberg raises the question of the value and authenticity of BDSM scenes in a virtual space where, strictly speaking, no pain or blood or even serious power exchange are possible. Along the way she sites that classic Alphaville Herald interview with Anonymous on the BDSM scene [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl MissChivous Craven

I’m extremely proud to present to you this week’s Post Six Grrrl (and the first of these in a while). MissChivous Craven is a DJ here in SecondLife who loves metal music! Special thanks to Daphne Molinari for taking up the torch of the Post Six Grrrls after our previous photographer dropped the ball and [...]
Full StoryEnough about You, Let’s Talk about Me!

TSO refugees may remember, which was a site that allowed TSO denizens to post their real life information (now known as first life information). Although supposedly banned by EA, the site was very popular, and there were thousands of users that posted their information there. Now Second Life has a similar option — [...]
Full StoryJust in Time for the Superbowl! But is it Legal?

In the past we have reported on attempts to establish sports books (sports gambling operations) in Second Life. SL Sportsbook Inc. is the latest and most ambitious entry in this service industry. Representatives take bets in person on all major sports, including bets on point spreads and over/unders. Of course the question naturally arises as [...]
Full StoryMafia Boss Torches Red Dragon Casino

by Dirk Diggler In a textbook case of how partnerships with the Mafia can go horribly wrong, Drax Lemieux’s Red Dragon Club & Casino was attacked at roughly 9:30pm game time Sunday night. Details of the attack are still sketchy, but it would appear that Sim Mafia Boss Marsellus Wallace was the purported attacker. When [...]
Full StoryCrew 88 Vows to Take Back SL from the Perverts (Whores, Furries, Elves and Emo Goths)
Last night I ran across a crew of 4 skinheads brandishing baseball bats, tire irons, and lag inducing weapons, torching a suburban cul de sac in second life. I invited the group – called Crew 88 for purposes of the interview – back to Herald Media Inc. HQ in Jessie for a chat about their [...]
Full StoryInfamous SL Gangster Weds in Lavish Wedding

by Pat the Rat Infamous Second Life Gangster, but self-described "businessman," Marsellus Wallace, wed Mackenzie Draper today in a lavish ceremony on the island of Cameo. In attendence were many of Mr. Wallace’s "business associates" as well as some of the underworld associates of the former Ms. Draper (indeed, she was given away by Galante [...]
Full StoryBUY BUY BUY!!! Uber-Authors’ Doomsday Book Debuts on

Woot! If you didn’t believe it before, now you can actually feast your eyes: The Doomsday book recently penned by uber-authors Peter Ludlow and Mark Wallace in a flurry of champagne, clattering typewriter keys and cigar smoke is now available for pre-order on For those who aren’t already aware, the book recounts the adventures [...]
Full Story
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