Archive for December, 2006
Total Infosphere Domination
I ran into these stats via a link on the SLCC site. Here is the main page. As the figures show, the Herald media family (from the SL Herald to our publisher and editor Walker Spaight’s 3pointD, to our Conspiracy Theory Desk reporter Prokofy Neva’s Second Thoughts) completely dominates the SL infosphere. Actually, for all [...]
Full StorySaluting an Officer
The Herald sends its condolences on the death of Second Life resident Jordan Witherspoon, who passed away recently at the age of only 28. Jordan was a member of the Alliance Navy, a role-playing group that was committed to policing portions of SL on its own (though opinions as to its beneficence differed, depending on [...]
Full StoryElemental Viral Marketing in the Metaverse
Maker claims 1000 Elemental vehicles distributed in 36 hours Can established vehicle makers respond to viral vehicle marketing? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs deskOne of eight forms in the Element Multiform Vehicle I was hanging around Sunset Beach when GuardianAngel Falken dropped by with a vehicle that “some cool nice dude” gave him – the [...]
Full StoryHerald’s Holiday Appeal – Help the Less Fortunate
Each L$ you contribute can change a second life! by Pixeleen Mistral, Metaverse Media Critic During this very special time of the year, our hearts – and thoughts – naturally turn towards friends, family, collared slaves, furries, and recent cybersex partners. The entire staff here at the Herald ask that you take a moment from [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life, part 1: I’m Gideon, Fly Me
I met Gideon Television at a tattoo parlor in Wuhan China — one of those specialized niche tattoo places that will tattoo your heart with radioactive dye. You know, so that ‘mom’ or ‘Molly’ or, as the case may be, ‘Amanda’ shows up on your next post-gunshot-wound chest x-ray. We struck up a convo, and [...]
Full StoryLatenight with Slatenight
Digital Culture Maven Anya Ixchtel and Gnome of NMC Larry Pixel at Slatenight Holiday Party By Prokofy Neva, Competitor Recon Mission HQ Well, it’s that time of year again when our competitors try to get us to stop writing and getting page hits by luring us to holiday parties on hidden snow sims, getting us [...]
Full StoryMore Worlds!
By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Planets, Worlds, Universes, Metaverses, and the Eternal One Game-World Sun-God Ra Raph Koster has made a new game! WOOT! Those who remember the game-meister of Star Wars Galaxies and have followed his amazingly rich and insightful interactive blog adventures were thrilled to find out that this enlightened Horus of the [...]
Full StoryNaturelle Santos
[Editor’s note: There is only one word for Naturelle Santos, this week's Post 6 Grrrl - amazing! Naturelle was photographed by the visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine - the legendary Marilyn Murphy - who amazes me as well. Enjoy!] Hi! My name is Naturelle Santos and it seems I’m the Post Six Grrrl [...]
Full StoryAs Lindens Stand Down, SL SWAT Stands Up to Griefers.
What happens when the Lindens make good on their threat to stop responding to abuse reports — when all they offer us is their Rumsfeldian advice that we simply have to “pull up our socks” and stand up to one million unverified idiots that *they* let into the world while huffing their Northern California grown [...]
Full StorySHOCK! Banned Griefer’s Tarp Covers IBM Theatres
LL’s database and asset server left uncovered outside by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Gene Replacement created IBM’s roofing material The metaverse reeled today as investigators claim to have discovered the source of the persistent database and asset server problems in Second Life – and why computer giant IBM’s theaters in Second Life use building [...]
Full Story
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