Archive for September, 2007
Op/Ed: Moving Beyond Shouting Matches
by Jessica Holyoke Prior to malpractice insurance being required for physicians, some doctors would protect themselves by having all of their assets in their spouse’s name. If a patient ever sued the doctor for malpractice, the patient could win, but there would be no money to compensate the patient. In this way, the physician was [...]
Full StoryLindens Boot Dueling DMCA Claims To RL Court

Can you copyright prim arrangements on virtual footwear? by Jessica Holyoke Coen boots – with three strands wrapping below the knee A few weeks back, I was asked by a friend of mine to report on behalf of Panjomy Ames. The Avastar partially covered the story of Panjomy Ames and her dispute with Bax Coen. [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The VAT Tax Man Cometh

by Inigo Chamerberlin Yet another missive from those lovely folks at Linden Lab. On a Friday, as usual. I’m coming to actively dislike Friday eMails from Linden Lab. What now? Well, all us lucky EU residents are now going to be charged VAT (Value Added Tax to the rest of you) on ‘all payments to [...]
Full StorySurprise! European VAT Tax Surcharge in SL

Did LL really forget to collect tax until now – or is US$ exchange rate slide to blame? by Jessica Holyoke Linden Lab dares to be different – and forgets to include VAT tax in prices until now? Tax day has arrived in Second Life, but with a surprise twist. Instead of game-related tax collections [...]
Full StoryIris Seale – Post 6 Grrrrl

[Note From Justine Babii- I met Iris Seale for the first time right before this shoot, and I must say that she is one of the most pleasant and fun people I've met in SL. As you can see she's also as gorgeous as they come. I hope you enjoy these as much as I [...]
Full StoryWill Wear Red for Burma Friday Cross Over to SL?
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk This morning, I woke to a message on the mojo wire from Stef Wade, of Das SecondLife-Blog. Stef is wondering if the wear red for Burma this friday movement will cross over into Second Life – an interesting question. Certainly, long time SL should be sympathetic to the plight [...]
Full Story2nd Annual SL International Leather Contest

Something like Miss America with a whip by Tillery Woodhen, leather enthusiast 9 contestants in the Mister category, 7 for the Boy category Impulse Island hosted the second annual SL International Leather contest recently. And it was a case of art, or virtual life, imitating real life. For the uninitiated, a leather contest can be [...]
Full StoryThe Voyeur – SL Business Meeting Slave Etiquette

Wendell Holmer answers your questions about love and sex Slave to Fashion Q: I arrived for a business meeting at a woman’s home and was surprised to see a slave prostrate on the floor beside her. The slave was silent during most of the conversation, but at one point he piped up and contradicted me. [...]
Full StoryDialing for L$s

Buy L$s without a credit card or PayPal – use your phone by Jessica Holyoke While investigating the current Euro to Linden trade rates in light of the decline of the US dollar, I found an operation called Telelinden. A resident makes a phone call to a German number, costing 1 Euro if you are [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: PN Leader N3X15 Is the Worst Sort of Furry

[G-Boy Anonymous tells the story of how he outgrew griefing - then learned the current leader of the PN has shocking furry sympathies. When I questioned GBoy's motivations for coming forward, he told me while he dislikes furries, he despises hypocrites. After trying to go straight, GBoy finds living a peaceful life is difficult, because [...]
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