Archive for November, 2007
Angelita Pierterson – Post 6 Grrrrl

[Note from Justine- I heard from two different friends that I had to meet Angelita Pierterson, a gorgeous and talented Second Life DJ. I made my way to one of her gigs and wasn't disappointed. She is a charming person, a great entertainer and as you can see, a striking beauty. I hope these pictures [...]
Full StoryRebuilt New German Army A Growing Threat

Better uniforms, multi-prong strategy, and Mercanzeteer alliance by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Early in 2007, a series of violent pro- and anti- Front National (FN) protests sparked by Jean-Marie Le Pen supports’ in-world presence ended up on the doorstep of the Modern German Army in SL – creating what the German Army referred to [...]
Full StoryThe Babyfur Fashion Scene

Fashion-forward babyfurs love loose, kicky dresses, holiday highlights! [the Herald's babyfur week continues with a look at the babyfur fashion scene] by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista In-world security can look great The Holidays are just around the corner – what a perfect excuse to spend a little me-time shopping to dress-for-SL-success! Just look at [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Feted, Fussing, and Fuming

LL shows how not to run a press conference – and co-opt a noisy critic by Jessica Holyoke, post-Prokofy FIC watch bureau On Monday, the Lindens held their first in-world press conference and the Herald, being at the forefront of Metaverse media coverage was there to cover it all. Except we weren’t. The Saga for [...]
Full StoryA Fist Full of L$s
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate For a fist full of lindensI invested in a bank;I watched my portfolioAs its value tanked. For a few lindens moreMy nest egg I had nesting;Gambling’s not illegalIf you call it all ‘investing’. Good, bad and ugly,The levels jumped aroundUntil the virtual lineHit the virtual ground. I climbed a virtual [...]
Full StoryAll the News That’s Fit to Whip

Prim Time with Keiko Ketsugo Premieres Oriental Express, Second Life (194, 235, 24) November 27, 2007: Want the latest news in the virtual world of Second Life – Raw, naked and bound – with whip marks? Step into Castle Prim for the premiere of “Prim* Time” anchored by Keiko Ketsugo which captures (literally) top Second [...]
Full StoryBabyfur Week in SL

Remember – Thursday is “take a babyfur to lunch” day The holiday season is always a very special time – a time for reflection and a time to reach out to our fellow avatars here in the metaverse. Though other’s customs may seem strange at first, we are all united on a basic level – [...]
Full StorySecond Life as Prison Life

Podgorecki and the original Second Life by Urizenus Sklar, post-Prokofy FIC watch bureau You may have thought that Philip pulled the name “Second Life” out of the aether, and maybe he did, but he wasn’t the first. Today I was reading about a Polish sociologist named Adam Podgorecki, and the Prok bells in my head [...]
Full StoryMidas Bank Insolvent – Trouble On The WSE

L$ Spacebuck banking risks get real – liquidity crisis spills over to stock exchange by Jessica Holyoke The Midas Bank touches insolvency – creates WSE stock ripples As suggested in the comments on the SL Crime Wave! – L$3 Million Bank Heist!!! story, Midas Bank is another bank facing insolvency. Mr. Midas Commons owns Midas [...]
Full StoryPhilip Linden’s Toy Rocket Keeps Crashing

Can’t fix the game – so fix the mission statement?20-25% total crash rate unchanged since January – October statistics still MIA by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk LL’s clue inventory is unavailable Reclusive game god Philip Linden announced a new, slimmed-down mission statement for Linden Lab on Wednesday, and said the Lab might need to [...]
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