Archive for January, 2008
Op/Ed: Privacy Please

by Jessica Holyoke When talking about avatar or human rights, one right that is often ignored is the right to privacy. While this right led to reproductive rights in the US, its erosion in the virtual world needs to be halted. Privacy policies usually revolve around the use and sale of personal information. And Linden [...]
Full StoryInterview with Supercool Sautereau: Premier of People’s Soviet Communist Party in Second Life

by Urizenus Sklar, National Affairs desk Forward thinking Herald readers may have feared that Soviet Communism was decomposing somewhere in the dustbin of history. But take heart comrades! It is not dead, but advancing on new frontiers and has now claimed its metaversal bridgehead on the shores of the Jessie Simulator. In this interview, Soviet [...]
Full StoryState Lunatic Hospital of Second Life – Ryder Asylum

Beautifully horrific treatment center for both furry and human patients by Kaos Usbourne, SL Adventurer On a lonely windswept Massachusetts field where a number of Salem’s infamous witch trials were held stands what remains of Danvers State Hospital. Officially opening in 1878 as The State Lunatic Hospital at Danvers, the treatment facility for mentally inept [...]
Full StoryMC Fizgig Reclaims Seized Land

Woodbury U critic disappointed in LL, likely to file even more abuse reports by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk “I’d say, stay on the mainland; the idea of clustering and the magic spell of working with your neighbors is just a great appeal.” – Philip Linden Late Sunday afternoon I sat on the lawn in [...]
Full StoryInterview with SL Woodbury University’s new Administrator Madelena Rossini

by Jessica Holyoke Madelena Rossini Woodbury University is reappearing in Second Life. Madelena Rossini is the new administrator listed on the Woodbury group. Ms. Rossini was a SL resident who was introduced to members of the Woodbury faculty through SL. She recently started teaching classes at the California school and took some time to talk [...]
Full StoryCopyright, Content & Behavior: The Vagina Monologues
by Jessica Holyoke As reported here,, HBO has stated that the in-world production of the Vagina Monologues be halted due to HBO holding the broadcast rights to the production., the holder of the live performance rights, told the organizers of the SL Vagina Monologues that they had to rescind their authorization of a [...]
Full StorySammy Barrett – Post 6 Grrrrl

[Note from Justine- I've been to a couple of events where Sammy Barrett was spinning the tunes and was rightfully thrilled when she asked about becoming a Post 6 Model. Without further adieu I give you the lovely and supertalented Sammy Barrett. To show off exactly how talented she is, Sammy even gave me the [...]
Full StoryFIC Tables Turned – Ex-Critic Crows About LL Land Seizure

Ravenglass rental agent gloats over neighbor’s land confiscation by Pixeleen Mistral and Jessica Holyoke Prokofy Neva smiles as Agent Linden confiscated more land this week An empty plot in Furness sim may be a warning to anyone expecting rule of law and property rights in the metaverse. According to a report published by Shaun Altman, [...]
Full StoryMafia Nightclub Opens in Second Life

Non-profit hopes to promote crime and fun by Sigmund Leominster wise guys dressed to kill Dressed in dapper pinstripes, black oxfords with white spats, Logan Walker wants to make you an offer you can’t refuse. No virtual horse heads in beds, no need to sleep with fishes, no whackings, and no special favors that involve [...]
Full StorySecret Linden Tapes Show Philip Blowing Gasket
Philip shown venting at Cory over open source initiative by Urizenus Sklar In this shocking video, smuggled to the Herald via secret interweb connections, we see the current drama inside Linden Lab. Stuggling with the burdens of copybot, bank fraud, griefing, grey goo, penisings, yiffing, ageplay, and Cory’s betrayal, Philip dresses down his remaining Linden [...]
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