Archive for March, 2008
Sonnet 22708
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate abbacddcefefgg The edge of reason being very nearAnd all the people gathering to seeWhat appears to be insecurityAs I am pixels on my monitorAnd here in generated body standI but not the way that you would think ofBut in the way that generates my loveAnd spreads it out without the [...]
Full StoryBots Turfed Out of Liberty Island S
Letters to the Editor I’m writing about the article entitled “Bots Make Mockery of Traffic Statistics” on March 23, 2008 for the Second Life Herald. My name is Doran McCullough and I, along with Organa Ashley, just purchased the land written about from Harold Malpholisto. I want to say, unequivocally, that under no circumstances will [...]
Full StoryBots Make Mockery of Traffic Statistics

50k of traffic – but nobody is homeDoes bot abuse explain population growth and stagnant economy? by Amazing4u, concerned citizen Teeing up the Avro, Honi, and Enzo bot clans in a skybox over Liberty Central S Just thought I’d drop you a line and a photo of so-called Bot abuse. I went looking for a [...]
Full StoryMusic Not Politics – An All-Weekend Live Music Event

by Jessica Holyoke Starting Friday night, Money Island and the neighboring Money Tree Island and Freebie Island are holding a 48 hour event celebrating live music. Chelseamarie Noel While listening to the silky smooth stylings of Chelseamarie Noel, I had a chat with Throughthesewalls Moody, a promoter/manager of live musical acts on Second Life. Throughthesewalls [...]
Full StoryCalcirya Fall — Post 6 Grrrrrrl

[Note from Justine: This week I found Calcirya Fall and was thrilled when she said she'd pose. I had never heard of a futanari neko, and was pleased to make the acquaintance of one in Calcirya. I hope my pictures do justice!]. Well that is me so I don’t know what else I can say. [...]
Full StoryThe Wurkin’ Girls of Little Paradise

Pre-teen girls modeling for L$25/hour – plus tips – say SL needs “more wadies who wanna dopt widdle ones” by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tabitha and Yoshiko twirl in place live modeling clothes — Sonja0606 Eichel disrobes and is ejected from Little Paradise Recently, I visited the Little Paradise sim – and discovered a [...]
Full StoryThe Fashionista’s Guide to IP Anonymizers
Fashionista drama means everyone can take hints from the goons and griefers by Tenshi Vielle When one is browsing the web and doing nefarious things, wouldn’t you just hate to leave a trail of IP address footprints that will show up if, say, you were dumb enough to post on a website as both your [...]
Full StoryOne Year In SL – Why the Wild West is Failing

by Soul4sale Ferraris I turned one year old this weekend. I first rezzed into SL on March 15, 2007 for the same reason most everyone else has in the last year – I was bored, and it was free. After a year of traipsing around its digital landscape, I’ve formed several hard opinions, and they [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: d3adlyc0d3c for CEO of Linden Labs
A perma-banned griefer’s perspective on Labs leadership changes by d3adlyc0d3c, ex-griefer As many of you are aware CEO Philip Rosedale has just announced his intention to step down as CEO of Linden Lab. This is big news for all of us. Admittedly, upon hearing the news I expected to see widespread panic and predictions of [...]
Full StoryThe Flying Dutchman
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate A captainless ship flew past my watch,A sign of things to be;Where once the ship sailed straight and true,Where once she sailed free; She wanders lost on ragged seasAnd seems to lose her way;And she never sinks beneath the wavesNo harbor found, nor quay. That she floats, is it enough?Can [...]
Full Story
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