Archive for November, 2008
The MegaPrim Spite Fence of Bear Sim

Why is LL powerless to remove “friendly greetings” left by Torley Linden’s wife Ravenelle? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Linden wife and contractor Ravenelle’s megaprim wall blocks the Bear InfoHub view of one resident’s business When you teleport to the Bear sim InfoHub, you won’t see Lias Leandros’s business – it is hidden behind [...]
Full StoryMacy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in SL

by Lavinia Carver While I was browsing around the other day, something just caught my eye. According to the advertisement, it was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in Second Life. Now, at first I was skeptical. I thought, "Come on, the Macy’s parade in Second Life? I know almost anything is possible in SL, but [...]
Full StoryUnder the Pixel Sun
by Kris Dibou In the virtual life you’ve ledYou’re neither living, nor are deadYou’ve met them all but met no oneDrifting under the pixel sun. And as you tire of this placeThe sun that doesn’t burn your faceThe water that won’t make you wetThe death that never will be met The wind that cannot touch [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl — GoSpeed Racer

[Sometimes you only have to be patient and wait … I have been looking for quite some time for a woman with a darker skin. This is about diversity, right? All I found was girls meeting all bad clichés – big booty bling chicks who looked like straight out of a 50 Cent video clip. [...]
Full StoryTwo New Dance in Performances Open in SL

La Performance and Ballet Pixelle present virtual ballet controlled by arrow keys by Lora Constantine Two virtual world ballet companies premiered new productions on Sunday, November 23, 2008 – with a little help from IBM and Second Life. At 2 PM, “La Performance,” a new dance company, opened its high school gym-style performance of “You [...]
Full StoryHow Many Bots In The World Are There? Half The Green Dots Are Bots
Anya Ristow visits 524 sims, measures 50% bot/camper population by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Opting for science rather than being gulled by Zee Linden’s claims, Anya Ristow of Project Green Dots spend two days visiting 524 sims selected at random for a bot census. The census revealed unlike Zee Linden’s claim of 10-15% bots [...]
Full StoryADV: The Children of God – Jenn Villota’s New Art

Censored! advertisement now placed below the fold. (NSFW at all!)
Full StoryGoogle’s Lively is Dead – Requiem to be Announced Soon

Internet ad agency discontinues virtual robot closet sex platform to focus on core business, spend more time with family by By Sigmund Leominster Reports of Lively’s death turn out not to have been exaggerated after all. After the fanfare, hoop-la, bell and whistles of the Second Life killer’s opening, Google have just announced that Lively [...]
Full StoryLab Tries to Hide SL Downturn in 3rd Quarter Economic Report

Pay no attention to the player hours logged in September by Jessica Holyoke Fresh out of the Herald‘s Money office, (unfortunately located right next to Jimbo’s) is the 2008 Quarter 3 Herald financial report. The compilation of this particular report was a bit harder to compile as a key piece of data was missing. Zee Linden [...]
Full StoryNightflower — Post 6 Grrrl

[Nightflower - a girl and her dream. The Night Flower sim hosts some of SL's finest photo art by some of SL's most creative artists. The paint on the walls was still fresh, meaning some of the prims were still untextured when I met Nightflower there for our photo shoot. Is there any better place [...]
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