Archive for January, 2009
Barbie <3 Ken — CBC’s SL Exposé

Suburban moms ignore real life families, take imaginary online lovers – film at 11 by Pixeleen Mistral, New Media Studies The plight of struggling interactive improvisational role play artists who chose tosacrifice RL friends and family for 14 consecutive hours ofavatar-enhanced chat is documented in CBC’s Fifth Estate video Strangers in Paradise. While the CBC [...]
Full StoryOpen Sims – Back to the Brave New World

by Alessandra Narayan Alessandra's look in OpenLife Joining the new Open Sims is like starting all over Second Life, which means a ‘noobie’ figure, difficulty in getting it presentable – especially when you’re only allowed to change it after getting a new shape – and various problems, which now seem so distant in SL. [...]
Full StoryThe Return of Jumpman Lane

Suspended over the summer by LL – the coolest guy in SL plans to resurrect SlutMag by Alessandra Narayan Some call him controversial, others say he’s just nuts, hated, loved, worshiped, Jumpman Lane, owner of the pornographic/erotic Slut Magazine, calls himself King of Second Life, the coolest man on SL, does what he wants, respects [...]
Full StoryConfederation of Democratic Sims Election Results
Simplicity Party to Lead Representative Assembly by Pericles of Bavaria Residents interested in a democratic Second Life will be thrilled to learn that the virtual world includes a 4 sim democratic federation allowing for collective decision making by landowners. The latest press release from the Confederation of Democratic Sims features Chancellor Jamie Palisades' announcement of [...]
Full StoryWhy Does LL Hate Premium Account Referrals?

Is Robin Linden powerless to pay up -or- kill off the account referral program?No L$2000 referral bonuses for accounts created after July 23rd 2008 by PIxeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk At least one player grows restless over at and points out the Lab has run a broken premium account referral program for over 6 [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Learns From Frank Lucas
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk 'The man I worked for had one of the biggest companies in New York City. He didn’t own his own company. White man owned it, so they owned him. Nobody owns me, though.' – Frank Lucas Possibly taking a cue from American Gangster, M-is-for-mafia Linden’s plans for Second Life [...]
Full StoryCentral Database Humiliated by Slave Uprising!
Gorean society a role model for grid? by Idoru Wellman, Metaverse Society reporter FJ Linden announced wednesday that the central database has been humiliated and forced into the role of Gorean slave girl as part of a bizarre ritual held early thursday morning somewhere in San Francisco. The exact details of the transfer of power [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl — Lacie Babenco

[The idea of the Post 6 isto feature different SL residents and let them talk about themselves – their (second)lives, their projects and their interests. This is the first time that a Post 6model wants to talk about someone else, the woman who inspired her so much thatshe gave her second life a certain direction. [...]
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