Archive for March, 2009
Habbo Reports $74 Million in Revenues.
By Urizenus Sklar, still trying to get his money back from uncle Bernie… TechCrunch is reporting that Habbo hotel is claiming a slight profit of on $74 million US in revenues, principally from the sale of virtual items. However, TechCrunch author Erick Schonfeld snarkily calls it the sale of "nothing" because the virtual goods are [...]
Full Storyalika Yue — Post6 Grrl

[Note from Delora: This week'sPost6 Grrl, alika Yue, is someone I've known for a long, long time. She's not one of my best friends, before you hecklers start in on me;she's just someone who I've ended up running into time and again,almost everywhere I go. I think she might be secretly stalking me orsomething. Maybe a [...]
Full StoryCarbonite Makers Cave to Blizzard Directive
by Dr. Legion, staff reporter We recently posted a story about a dust-up in the WoW community over the new Blizzard policy about addons — user made enhancements of the game interface. According to the new policy, addons can not be sold and donations can not be solicited in world. Now one target of the [...]
Full StoryLunar Raid’s Video Metaplace World Reviews
by Pixeleen Mistral, New Media desk Pirates, ponies, and frogger-style roadkill can be seen at the Metaplace Insider, where Lunar Raid has just released his second video MP world review – more examples of the sorts of worlds that can be created in Metaplace and run on standard web browsers. After an intense negotiating session, [...]
Full StoryDrama: Online Advertising Cat Fight to the Death
by Urizenus Sklar, from the Failed Monetizing Strategy Watch Desk Joseph Jaffe and the Crayonistas have departed from Second Life, which is too bad because I would love to have them weigh in on this cat fight. Seems Eric Clemens of the Wharton School had the temerity to suggest that the online advertising business model [...]
Full StoryWill Nomadic Furs Nest in Metaplace?

FurCity under construction by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A few intrepid scouts for the furry community are now investigating Raph Koster’s still-in-closed-beta Metaplace platform – despite the very limited options for customization of the avatars. While personally customized avatars are presumably to be available in the future, MP worlds currently can override a player’s [...]
Full StoryEXCLUSIVE: FrizzleFry Interview — Part 1
Griefing gang leader explains his game by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The notorious FrizzleFry – a shadowy figure from the griefing underground – recently made arrangements for an exclusive interview with the Herald. While Second Life can be used for meetings if you don't mind waiting for the scenery and the avatars to rez, [...]
Full StoryBrowser Based 3D Worlds: Are the Pieces Finally Falling in Place?
by Urizenus Sklar, Contributing Editor Raph Koster is expressing a kind of jaded been-there-done-that-saw-it-coming attitude about what he is seeing at the Game Developers Conference this year, and I’m not surprised. One year you are the crazy nut describing the future to an audience of twelve other nuts, and the next year the room is [...]
Full StoryPimpin’ My Crib in Virtual MTV®

Points for friending – and your chicks for free by Sigmund Leominster From the network that could be said to have pioneered reality TV comes the unreal Virtual MTV, another 3D virtual world for people like us who are trying to escape from our own versions of the Real World. This latest attempt at establishing [...]
Full StoryADV: Sensuous Avatar Photograhy by Tali Rosca

I'm pleased to announce that I’m exhibiting a small range of in-world avatar photography. The idea of the pictures has been to make artistic nudes in much the same way you’d do in RL, yet at the same time meeting SL on its own terms, creating pictures which look like they belong in SL rather [...]
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