Archive for February, 2010
False DMCAs Fizzle – Kalel Venkman Fingered !!!
Typepad ‘fesses up – some DMCA-disputed images, text have gone missing by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Gregory Eugene Turnbow (Kalel Venkman in Second Life) has been identified as the complainant who submitted a DMCA request to Typepad that resulted in removal of content from six Herald stories covering the Second Life Justice League Unlimited. [...]
Full StoryStroker Serpentine & Munchflower Zaius – 2009 Avatars of the Year

Class action complaint against Linden Lab leads to avatar of the year award by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In 2009, there was no question of which the players had the biggest impact on the metaverse. After lawyering up and heading to the courthouse, virtual sex toy entrepreneur Stroker Serpentine and noted avatar skin and [...]
Full StoryAvatar of the Year 2009 – 2nd Place: Emerald Viewer Developers
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Herald continues our 2009 Avatar of the Year award ceremonies by naming the avatars that had the second greatest impact – for better or worse – on the metaverse: the Emerald Viewer development team. giving Second Life players exactly what they want in a viewer – Bewbies from [...]
Full StorySecond Life’s Pandora Na’vi Roleplay – Breathtaking Beauty and Lag

Multilingual players use Na'vi speaker/translator to bridge language gap by Meleth Oakleaf Like many places in the world SL has caught Avatar fervor. While it was my original intention was to review a single Pandoran role-play environment, a combination of lag and frustration led me to explore the two most highly traffic-ed Pandoran roleplay sims, [...]
Full StoryNuts Bakalava — Post 6 Grrrrrl

A former Post 6 Model contacted me and told me that I should meet Nuts Bakalava. As I'm always willing to follow the game related advice of oldbies, I did, and as you see, I was impressed. Nuts is as charming and friendly as she is gorgeous, and I hope that you agree she makes [...]
Full StoryAvatar of the Year 2009 – 3rd Place: Sion Zauis
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Patrick Davison explains Sion Chickens in 5 minutes Official presentation of the 2009 Avatar of the Year awards were unavoidably delayed by staff vacations during the holidays followed by a frenetic flood of breaking news in early 2010, but given the outstanding levels of achievement on the part of [...]
Full StorySL Shrink Analyzes DMCA Crazed Caped Crusader

Kalel Venkman suffering from incomplete immersion or over-augmentation? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In a story titled O Superman the eggheads at SL Shrink analyze Justice League Unlimited leader Kalel Venkman and seem to be asking if the DMCA wielding role play super hero – or super thug? – might be suffering from some [...]
Full StoryHistoric W-Hat Sim For Sale – Goons Go Back to Baku

Estate owner is disgusted with Linden Lab customer service by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk "LL treats their customers too poorly to give them that much money" – Masakazu Kojima The notorious WHAT sim is for sale to the highest bidder, a surprising development that will send the Something Awful W-Hat goons back to their [...]
Full StoryPappy Enoch Names Successor in Case of Foul Play

Hard Alley mayoral candidate names Enoch ticket vice mayor by Journey Yellowlist, Investigative Reporter Pappy Enoch, a Candidate in the hotly contested Hard Alley Mayoral race, came out of the dumpster hiding to put up a few campaign posters. He had a few words for the media. Pappy Enoch's vice mayor Uli-Dio Enoch poses for [...]
Full StoryAuto-Bans For Copybot Clients – SL Viewer Wars Escalate

Skills Hak's client detection system & ban relay fights copybot-capable clients – Transylvania vampires warn against running griefer clients by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs Desk Taking Second Life anti-copying software as a service in a new direction, Skills Hak has released a client detection and ban relay system which Hak says "detects all known viewers [...]
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