Archive for April, 2010
Makes Magic — Post 6 Guy

[Makes Magic hit my radar by virtue of SL-dating one of my closest friends, who in turn thought her new boyfriend would make a wonderful Post 6 Model. I happen to agree with her. I proudly present this week's Post 6 Dude, Makes Magic ~Timothy Morpork] Hi Everyone! It’s a real honor to be here. [...]
Full StorySquattin’ Life Part 2: Don’t Rile The Neighbors

by Pappy Enoch, Squatter, Drunken Bum, & Art Devotee Howdy from my squat. It are going right well, now that I are in my second week. I moved all my traps to another spot that gots more prims open–4000 of ‘em in fact (for now–I aims to fix that). I knows that, one of these-here [...]
Full StoryPixel Dog “Scruffie” Stolen – Serial Nude Sim Shutdowns
by Ravi Galuptra Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That’s how the old saying goes. But fool me three times? Well that’s exactly what has happened with the Nudite Sur Mer sim, a naturist resort formerly run by Mr. Rokutman Westinghouse and Mr. Jacques Alchemi, the latter allegedly the [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Narrative Games
by Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia Much has been written about whether SL is a game or something else. Most people I know in game call SL a “virtual world.” Most professors I know in real life call it a “serious game,” although I do not think the eggheads are deliberately implying that SL is serious as opposed [...]
Full StoryBronte Ceriano — Post 6 Grrrrl

[It was my lucky day when I asked last week's Post 6 Grrrl Joan Philbin to pose, because she dragged along her friend Bronte Ceriano. Bronte not only posed for one of the shots in last week's feature, she also agreed to be this week's Post 6 Grrrrl. Working with both Bronte and Joan was [...]
Full StoryLinden Home? Hell No!

by Pappy Enoch, Squatter and Shiftless Bum Them Lindens been trying to git us into them little ticky-tack boxes they calls homes. All you needs to do am shell out 72 bucks a year for "Premium" so them nare-do-wells can ignore you. That lil’ old house am just the bait to sum’fin: like ol’ George [...]
Full StoryEmerald Viewer: 76000 Unique Users Could Be Wrong
Earlier this evening, lead Emerald viewer developer Fractured Crystal claimed that 76,000 unique users run the Emerald client – a significant portion of the active Second Life community and clear indication that the Emerald viewer is the most popular alternative to the official Second Life client software. But ongoing rumors of questionable conduct on the [...]
Full StoryVirtual Vigilantes – Eggheads Are Watching the Watchers

Over at at Henry Jenkins blog and MIT’s Center for Future Civic Media site, part one of Herald founder Urizenus Sklar’s think piece Watching the Watchers: Power and Politics in Second Life traces the evolution of both the online world griefing phenomena and the virtual security operations that have emerged to counter griefers. Posting the [...]
Full StorySaga of Second Life vs. Shameless Blatant Furries
The Saga of Second Life is a provocative six minute video which argues M Linden’s the pursuit of a corporate-friendly suburban-style virtual world is doomed to massive fail – and at odds with the interests of the players that built Second Life. This is not the sort of message that Linden fanboys enjoy hearing, so [...]
Full StoryEstonia Annexed As Soviet Woodbury Expands !!!

Over the last 24 hours, Soviet Woodbury annexed both the Estonia and Animation sims to double the land under Soviet control – a grim confirmation of the worst fears of Kalel Venkman’s Justice League Unlimited vigilantes and their allies in Second Life. Estonia Annexed – LindenWorld blocked from connecting to Glorious Future sim Is this [...]
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