Archive for December, 2010
The Great Rod Humble Twitter Metagame

A furry-led cargo cult on Twitter hopes to entice silent Second Life CEO into community dialog A new Twitter-based Second Life metagame raises interesting questions about online identity, social media, and just how unprepared Linden Lab leadership was for the curiously-timed December 23rd announcement of Rod Humble as new CEO. Given the level of investment [...]
Full StoryS4nta Claus — Post 6 Jolly Old Elf

[Though I had heard that Pappy Enoch was interested in posing for Post 6, the application of another magical and mythical fat male avatar caught my interest for this, the week before Christmas. It is an honor to present as this week’s Post 6 that jolly old elf himself, S4nta Claus. ~Timothy Morpork] Ho ho [...]
Full StoryJoe Linden: Game Over – EA’s Rod Humble: Game On

ex-Electronic Arts VP levels up to revolving door Linden CEO position in January Management shakeups continue at Linden Lab as Joe Linden (a.k.a. Joe Miller) – VP for Technology and Platform Development at Linden Lab – disappeared from the Lab’s executive management team web page, and no longer appears in the Second Life avatar search. [...]
Full StoryRap News Asks Hillary Clinton – How Does It Feel To Be Leaked On?

How Ad-supported user-generated content subverts the mainstream media [UPDATE: TheJuiceMedia have pointed out that they depend on donations to fund their productions and do not sell advertisements, so some clarification is in order. I am not suggesting that TheJuiceMedia have adopted Google's ad-supported free services business model. Instead, they are subverting the model by taking [...]
Full StoryProkofy Neva vs. Robert Wright – The Video

Conspiracy theorist denies hearing voices in her head Over the years, many have wondered if the rhetorical excesses of Second Life resident Prokofy Neva might be the result of an overly immersive approach to online roleplay. Sadly, this does not appear to be the case, as Catherine Fitzpatrick (the real life typist for Second Life’s [...]
Full StoryPersephone Bolero — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Contrary to popular belief, I do read the comments from time to time. So when I saw in them one week that Persephone Bolero had left a comment that indicated she would be willing to pose, I hoped I would hear from her. I did, and I have to say that working with her was [...]
Full StoryBotCars – A Deadly Threat To Second Life Pedestrians

Herald reporter seriously injured after driverless car hit and run by Oswald Denimore Corsica Mainland Continent – Alphaville Herald reporter Millennium Sands was almost killed yesterday in an accident when she tried to cross a street on foot. "Mainland highways are usually the most deserted places you can find in Second Life, so I was [...]
Full StoryLess is More – Don’t be THAT Guy!

Trim your rendering cost — get more of SL greatest events by Mony Markova This article has to be more useful for the less experienced avatar that to the regular Alphaville Herald reader, but perhaps you can direct it to your friends; yes those pesky guys that refuse to trim down their Avatar [...]
Full StoryLinden, do not harm
How Linden Lab’s good intentions turn into public wrath by Mony Markova How is it that good ideas turn into complicated and alienating actions that keep Second Life client base perplexed? To find out, a brave group of concerned citizens managed to place a bug into one of the many LL meetings, and this is how [...]
Full StoryShock! Uri Flaks for the Kremlin Again!
Soviet/4Chan conspiracy exposed. Over 9000 memes and counting. In this telling interview, Herald founder Urizenus Sklar reveals his connections with the sordid Anonymous, and by doing so on Russia TV…well. Connect. The. Dots. Clearly Prokofy Neva was right: This is all part of the Kremlin/4Chan plot to take over the world, one meme at a [...]
Full Story
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