Archive for March, 2011
Robbie Mellow — Post 6 Model

[Regular Post 6 followers know that I try to feature as many of the myriad SL communities as possible, so when I was contacted by a reader who said I had never featured a transvestite and that she happened to have a "pet" who would love to pose, I jumped at the chance and was [...]
Full StoryFayette Aeon — Post 6 Grrrrrl

My better half was out shopping one day and met Fayette Aeon when she noticed that they were both doing the same circuit of stores. The two hit it off, and with some cajoling, Fayette agreed to pose for Post 6. It is an honor to introduce the lovely and talented Fayette Aeon, our friend [...]
Full StoryMonkey Business and a Hot Date

Breedable-Monkey Army in the Works by Pappy Enoch, Hillbilly Go-rilla Ol’ Hamlet Au, over there at New Fake World Notes, am all a-flutter about sum’fin called Zooby Breedable Monkeys. From the photygraph I done run, you can see, plain as the nose on the side o’ my head, that them monkeys am born as naughty [...]
Full StoryAll Things Sheeny: Reading Charlie Sheen to Find Meaning in a Secular Age

by Peter Ludlow and Charles Parsons* In a recently published book, Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Kelly argue that the crisis of our current age stems from the indecision and resulting nihilism that come from our having lost the system of values provided by monotheism. In the Christian age our correct course of action in all [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Time to Outsource SL Support to India and Botswana?
How Linden Lab can benefit by offshoring labor — and why they should. by Kelvin R. Throop, concerned resident A while back, I tried to teleport to my office in Second Life. However, for some reason, I couldn’t teleport there, and I landed in the sim next door. My office sim hadn’t crashed, and I [...]
Full StoryzFire Xue and Redzone Collide with Banhammer

Tuesday evening Soft Linden ventured in-world to delete zFire Xue’s merchandise after banning Mr. Xue from Second Life. Word spread quickly and a crowd of zf Redzone critics gathered at the empty Mad Sci City Shopping Mall to witness the historic event. When I visited, the sim had reached its capacity – 40 avatars slowly [...]
Full StoryzFire Xue Slams Redzone Enemies

Threatens critics with animal control – hopes for security system to delete accounts Controversial zf Redzone developer zFire Xue told me he believes that Linden Lab has failed to provide Second Life players with an adequate security system, saying "DMCAs take too long, stolen objects are passed off to alts, Linden Labs does nothing to [...]
Full Storyzf Redzone Security Breached – SL Passwords Compromised?

Is Redzone playing guessing games with 2200 customers’ SL passwords? The firestorm of criticism surrounding the zf Redzone Second Life security system may be only the beginning of zFire Xue’s troubles. A shadowy group of Second Life hactivists claim to have breached the Redzone server’s security, gaining access to the server database and discovering cleartext [...]
Full StorySteve — Post 6 Adonis DNA Tigerblood Boil

[I was standing in my studio when one of the most repulsive avatars I have ever seen skittered in on little malformed legs. I immediately recognized the oversized and overbearing head, with its uncanny resemblance to Charlie Sheen’s Id, as belonging to the boil that had recently afflicted Herald writer Jimbo Quality. I had no [...]
Full StoryThe Hand What Taketh

by Pappy Enoch, Philanthropist My enormus fan klub at the Herald will know that I gits me a heap o’ mail thru them-there Internet-tubes. I done writ about this befo’ but I reckon it are too good to omit when it happens again. In fact, I done got this-hear same letter a year ago from [...]
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