Archive by Author
Open Letter to Linden Lab

Metaverse residents ask LL to fix the game by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In an attempt to entice game maker Linden Lab into fixing problems with Second Life, an open letter asking that long term problems with the virtual world be fixed before more new features are added has been signed by over 600 [...]
Full StorySupine SLLA Spawns SLDF, SLDM
SLLA goes tits up, spawns new groups to fight the powers that be“one av, one vote”…except alts by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Sunday morning visits to the Herald offices can be rough – there is always the possibility that Walker or Uri have been “working late” on a “special project” and have decided to [...]
Full StoryThe Tringo Kid
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate They called her The Tringo KidIf she had money, then that’s all she didShould they interrupt her gameShe’d send them home lameBe they human, furry or squid She wore her gun low on the hipA cigarette hung off from her lipHer finger’d be itchingHer eye’d be twitchingAnd her drink, slowly [...]
Full StoryTaylor Barnes – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Today, Taylor Barnes takes the time to talk about a cause close to her heart - and Marilyn Murphy’s photography may make our readers' hearts beat a bit faster as well. My friend Marilyn is the virtual visionary, publisher, and photographer for Players - SL’s in-world erotica magazine. This has to be one [...]
Full StoryGriefer’s Delight – Live Help Discontinued

“Pyramid of Death” SpamTex, SpamLM flood crashes clients LL support for paying customers “has gone in the toilet” by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Wednesday’s demise of Live Help left most residents without a way to summon instant assistance from their metaverse service provider – Linden Lab. The Lab’s removal of live resident support has [...]
Full StorySecond Life Economic Statistics Analyzed

by Curious Rousselot, metaverse numerologist As many of us are no doubt aware; Linden Lab publishes statistics about Second Life. Conveniently they also make the historical data available in Excell and OpenOffice, and Google Docs format. This gives us here at the Herald a chance to see how the economy of Second Life is doing [...]
Full StoryMarathon Battle at The Woofer

AN repulses attack – Herald reporter wounded by Omega Groshomme, war correspondent The Alliance Navy was attacked on Wednsday morning 1:00am SLT by members of several opposing factions. Members of Titan industries rolled into “The Woofer”, the Alliance Navy sim, using small arms fire and phantom rounds engaging in a small fire fight from the [...]
Full StorySLCC Likely to Create Spot Shortages

Metaverse may affect RL economy by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Economists continue to predict a shortage of lawn care specialists, fast food preparation technicians, and retail stock replenishment experts – sometimes known as stock boys – this summer in late August. The problem is expected to become acute within driving range of Chicago – [...]
Full StorySTABLE Talks In Response to MOSCOW

SL military groups continue negotiationsby Omega Groshomme, war correspondent treaty negotiations continue April 19th at 20:06 SL time an organization of military groups gathered in conference to discuss a new more improved treaty in answer to the Merczateer proposed MOSCOW: Military Organization Standard for Conventional Operations and Warfare. The conference organized by the Alliance Navy [...]
Full StorySex in SL: Dude Looks Like a Lady

SL tips for spotting avatar imposters by aurel MilesSo you’ve decided to expand your sexual horizons on Second Life. Good for you. SL is safe, it’s disease-free (physically speaking) and as long as you keep your head (so to speak) you can have a fabulous time exploring all those hidden kinks and quirks that might [...]
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