Archive for 'Business'
Residents of 400 Dreamland Sims vote to Ban PR and Marketing Flacks!!!!!
Residents vote unrepentant flacks off of 400+ islands! In one of the most significant developments in the history of virtual worlds and Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Residents of the Second Life gated community Dreamland have voted to ban unrepentant PR Flacks from their 400-500 Sim region. Conservative estimates suggest that Dreamland consititutes 10% of the [...]
Full StoryAnother Fake First
Your faithful correspondent outside the SLH Vendor in Grace, ready with a rolled-up copy of the famous real actual first virtual tabloid, ready to bop fake firsts. IM Prokofy to get yours today! By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Flak-Catching and Hypervent Harangues Oh, dear. Paging Uri, get on line, quick! You have to see this [...]
Full StoryBig Biz Spending in the Metaverse: Millions for Giant Boxy Corporate Monuments, Nothing for Dialogue and Thought
Big corporations have been falling all over themselves to get into virtual worlds and impress us with the fine corporate builds (i.e. big ugly boxy things), spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on them according to Business Week. They also like to tell us how big they are on conversing and wanting to learn. That [...]
Full StoryWould You Buy a New Car from this Vending Machine?
Or from JR Breed… Screenshots via New World Notes. A couple days ago our good friend Hamlet Au had a most excellent post on the traffic drawn by the Nissan build vs. that generated by indigenous car guy JR Breed. Hammie does a good job of quantifying the fact that JR gets more visitors, and [...]
Full StoryThe Megabucks of Metaversal Minions
By Prokofy Neva, Desk of Outrageous Excess If you were pinching your pennies and slaving all night over a hot PSP in Second Life trying to generate enough cash to buy an island under the old tier scheme, and your hopes have been sadly dashed by the new prices, maybe you’re in the wrong line [...]
Full StoryReport from Year 2010: “Second Life Has Been Pacified!”
By Future-Embedded Reporter Poindexter Linden In this Screenshot an elegant Scion makes its first forays in the the silly hideous world that was Second Life back in 2006. Lord Philip, following please find my report on the great success of our Second Life Pacification Project, otherwise designated SLPP-108b. I can assure you that apart from [...]
Full StorySLBoutique Zeros Commissions
Second Life content creators plan to break out party hats and hooters to celebrate by Pixeleen Mistral, Virtual E-commerce desk Saturday night, SLBoutique notified sellers that the web-based shopping mall is dropping its sales commission to zero – metaverse content creators who sell their virtual wares via the web site will net a few [...]
Full StoryUri Does Strumpette; Hates on PR Fucktards
Your humble servant Uri has a guest column in the PR/marketing blog Strumpette, at the invitation of head strumpette Amanda Chapel. In the article, I argue that the new corporate builds in Second Life are standing out mostly for their rust-belt aesthetic and mind numbing lack of creativity, and that the endless false claims of [...]
Full StorySticker Shock
Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Rumours, Innuendos, and Inside Dope for Inside Dopes Second Life island dwellers were disturbed from their serene and lucrative virtual existence this morning as rumours began flying that the wholesale price of private islands is about to rise steeply. Lindens apparently put the word out to their special friends on something [...]
Full StoryA Gallery of Lies!
The bullshit and hyperventilation about recent developments in Second Life has now officially turned into a theater of the absurd. Rohit Bhargava, a VP for Interactive Marketing with Public Relations giant Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, has a recent post on digitalmedia wire entitled “A Gallery of Virtual ‘Firsts’ from Second Life.” Readers of the Herald [...]
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