Archive for 'Games Journalism and the Virtual Press'
Fox News Discovers Second Life; Calls on Edwards to Denounce Virtual Underage Sex Brothels
Fox News political analyst and former AOL VP Kirsten Powers has posted a video blog calling for Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards to denounce some of his unseemly second life neighbors, including the “virtual rape fantasy clubs, virtual underage sex brothels and sadly unsurprising proliferation of porn.” Behold the video: An Excerpt from the blog [...]
Full StoryHell is Other People: The LA Times Gets to the Bottom of SL’s Growing Pains
If you are coming from the Feb. 22 LA Times article… I dunno…just know that we really really hate the Lakers. Or as we call them, the Hollywood Fakers. If you already read the article, then let me save you some trouble, and suggest that you use this link for sex, cybersex, and beyond. If [...]
Full StoryVirtual Journalism is the Shiz!
Yes, it is true, the intrerpid cyber-journalists of the SL infosphere have been the toast of the metaverse. Editor and Publisher has an article featuring our buddies Hamlet Au (New World Notes) and Dan Terdiman ( and Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral, who *refuses* to release her ubersecret real life identity even to the prestigimongous E&P! [...]
Full StoryBearded Eggheads Talk about Virtual Journalism and Stuff
Henry Jenkins just posted part one of a two-part interview with our own Nutty Professor — Peter Ludlow. In it Ludlow has some not very nice things to say about the Avastar, and some marginally interesting things to say about civic responsibility and virtual journalism, and also where the Herald fits in the magic circle [...]
Full StoryMTV Hosts Nutty Wacky Avi Contest. Joy.
According to a post by Glitchy Gumshoe on the SL Future Salon site, MTV will be “filming’ an in game fashion shoot, and they are soliciting pics of interesting — nay “craziest looking” avatars. Well now. Zero Grace is decidedly unimpressed by this turn of events, but he is a crotchety old man. We, on [...]
Full StoryAre You Ready for the Avi of the Year Awards?
Herald Staffer with One of the Avatar of the Year Trophies! Once again, boys and girls, it’s time for the most eagerly awaited event of the virtual journalistic year: the Second Life Herald’s Second Annual Avatar of the Year Awards. Each year, the Herald brings you the three avatars who have had the most impact [...]
Full StorySlustler in the Newz
Wired News is running a story on SL virtual nudie magazine/book Slustler. The article makes it out to be something new, but of course it comes in a long SL tradition that includes Players and Erogenous Zone, but this one is certainly the biggest — coming in at 100 pages. It is also in the [...]
Full StoryIncriminating Photos Leaked from Herald Birthday Party
“Banned” Gang Leader One Song Schmoozes with Pathfinder Linden at Herald Debauche. The Herald Staff did their best to keep it all under wraps, but pictures of the virtual debauche that was the 2nd Birthday Party of the Herald have been leaked into the blogosphere by New Games Journalism legend Always_Black. Shit. Well, there is [...]
Full StorySex and Games. Why Didn’t We Think of That? Oh Wait…
The International Game Developers Association finally has a Special Interest Group dedicted to Sex in/and/of Games, and a 1337 new blog called Sex and Games to cover it (and what we want to know is, what took them so long). There is also a discussion forum here. Great stuff, but honestly, they would be *lost* [...]
Full StoryCBC Confirms Linden Attempts to Discredit Plastic Duck in RL
Wow, kudos to Tony Walsh (aka Rat Boy aka Zero Grace) for contacting the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and confirming that the document we republished in the Herald was in fact an excerpt from an actual letter send by Linden Lab to the CBC. According to Tony’s contacts at the CBC, the letter was sent by [...]
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