Archive for 'Herald Literary Suppository'
Son of the Snail: Walking Small

by Happy Trails, Private Eye I was sitting back in my office sipping on my Jack Daniels, my head still spinning from the three Gin & Tonics, 7 Screwdrivers, and 3 Dirty Mothers from last night when the front door opened. In walked this dame that made my breath jump up and dance around. I [...]
Full StoryFrankenschnail: The Final Chapter

Chapter III by Happy Trails [confused readers may wish to refer to episodes 1 and 2] snailmonster From Oozeff Von Frankenschnail’s personal diary: …My beautiful creature…so long I have spent in his creation! Now all is lost! I write to you in this cave with my future sister-in-law, Escargot, both prisoners of the creature. Poor [...]
Full StoryFrankenschnail chapter II

by Happy Trails The lab was a wreck. Someone or something had smashed anything breakable and a few things that weren’t. This was quite an interesting laboratory Oozeff had built. I had never been down here before, and the first thing I noticed was the large gurney in the middle of the room. There were [...]
Full StoryFrankenschnail

Chapter I- Dr. Frankenschnail by Happy Trails I’ve had a lot of cases in the big sim, but there is still one that makes me wake in the night in a cold sweat. It’s time I told the story, for my own sanity. We snails have our own med school here in town; a good [...]
Full StorySilence of the Sims
By Kris Dibou, Poet I sit inside my pixeled house made of tortured prims; With headphones off I stare and hear the silence of the sims. I think about the path I took when I was new and green; The lives I’ve touched as carelessly as if I’d never been. Would the joy we felt [...]
Full StoryRevenge of the Snail

by Happy Trails, slick private eye As a snail, I get stepped on a lot. Usually it’s some noob who doesn’t look where they’re going. And yes, I’ve been in a lot of sticky situations. Escagot is quite a dame, though. She stands by me no matter what and doesn’t criticize me for all my [...]
Full StoryReturn of the Snail

by Happy Trails, slick private detective Now something had to be done about this french cooking school, and I was just the snail to do it. I opened an office over on 5th street and hired Escargot as my receptionist. Happy Trails, Private Detective. Yeah, that’s me…gumshoe…private dick. I began by hitting every dive and [...]
Full StoryA Snail’s Tale

by Happy Trails – survivalist snail There are 10,000 ugly snails in the big sim. I’m one of them- they call me Trails. This is my story. I was out one night, minding my own business; hanging with my best girl, Escargot. Pretty little french snail. I’ve been working on her a long time, and [...]
Full StoryOnce Upon An Internet
by Nidol Slazar, WU poet in residence Once upon an internet,Lived a group of ruthless trolls,Whom began to pose a virtual threat,With their vile and treacherous souls, This vast collective of hate,Wearing masks of anonymity,Feared not one place to desecrate,With their state of unanimity, Unknown to the public eye,Existed the people behind the screen,That could [...]
Full Storypoem
by Artfox Daviau oh btw atm im in IMand a noob at it imho it seemscos the ppl in here chat in shorthandomg wtf does it mean? ni went 2 the puter this amand the msg in there that i seencd a bin abt ne ol topicomg wtf does it mean? o skuz me brb [...]
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