Archive for 'News from The Sims Online'
Johnny Lace Design Contest claims 100+ entries
Based on the number of properties that have entered the JohnnyLace DesignContest neighborhood, there will be over 100 entries in this round of the contest. Way to go Johnny Lace!!!!
Full StoryNews From Dan?s Grove: LegolasTheGreat Wins DG Presidential Election
By Dana Grove The AVH wishes to congratulate LegolasTheGreat on winning the Dan?s Grove Presidential election this past Saturday, May 29th. Final Results:263 votes castJeremy- 111LegolasTheGreat 152
Full StoryScammers moving to Second Life?
As the TSO diaspora continues, a group of Alphaville scammers have now moved to Second Life (at least part time), including Celestie the Abusive Granny, Mimi (not exactly a scammer, but she?s really really cute so I have to mention her here), Kimmers, Nick, and Bradley C. In this interview we talk to our friend [...]
Full StoryRose Thorn Community Welcome House Takes top spot from scammers
Kudos to the Rose Thorn community for opening a house in the welcome category and knocking the infamous scam house run by Mr President Bradley out of the top spot in welcome. Hopefully this will help prevent newbie sims from being fleeced and verbally abused on their first day in game. Although the Rose Thorn [...]
Full StoryJohnny Lace Plans New Lot Design Contest in AV

Last September, Johnny Lace held his first lot design contest, attracting 75 participants. He’s now organizing another contest, and is hoping to attract as many as 100 participants with his 1 million simolean prize. In this interview Johnny talks about the contest, the judging, offers some advice for designers, and also chats about the uncertain [...]
Full StoryGalloway Hacked. CC Government Capitol Lost to Scammers. Bradleys suspected. Again.
Seth Galloway will be familiar to readers as a candidate in the recent AV Presidential Primaries. Many also know that he subsequently moved to Calvin?s Creek where he has helped set up the Calvin?s Creek Government. This week Seth?s TSO and YIM accounts were hacked, and he lost about 6 million simoleans, six size 8 [...]
Full StoryAlert!: Lead Archetict Clone Strikes Again and Again and Again
All TSO Users Need to be on Extremely High Alert for the clone of Lead Achitect, going by the name of Lead Archetict. (Notice that the e and the i are switched). A few days ago we reported on how AV resident cj johnson had created Lead Archetict in several cities and had scammed Monkeybear [...]
Full StoryAVG Vice President Resigns. Forms new government in Mt. Fuji
By Ian Paul Tully, Alphaville Government’s “Invisable Man” is interviewed on his resignation from his Vice President Position. Why would he do this? Boredom? Concern about corruption? Other projects? Read on to find out!
Full StoryPet Pull Frenzy! An interview with Becca from Pet Addicts
By Ian A Rare Pet craze has broken out once again. Earlier yesterday afternoon; it was announced that “Andrew” of Andrew?s Pet Heaven in Calvins Creek found a Pink Poodle in a pet pull. Now in all cities a Rare Pet Search is taking place! The other rares include a Turkish terrier, a robotic cat, [...]
Full StoryAJ Down Clone Identified
In news that has only just come to light, albeit via a highly reliable source, we are now able to identify the individual that was running the Scam House with a clone of AJ Down in Jolly Pines. It was none other than Janette, Alphaville’s “most infamous” sim. According to chat logs in the posession [...]
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