Archive for 'War and militias'
Battle of Prize Delta – Part Three: Rule, Britannia!
Why would we surrender, ol’ bean? We’re in your base, musketing your doods by Caine Constantine In June, the musket-wielding armies of British conquest fought a prolonged battle to claim Prize Delta and the Task Force Marines as the newest colony of the British Empire. The Marines, however, refused to be anyone’s subjects. And so, [...]
Full StoryBritish Overrun Task Force Marine HQ In Prize Delta Sim
Musket fire downs marine aircraft, silences machine guns – Redcoats rally round the Confederate flag, force Marines off base with superior numbers — next step: possible taxation without representation, Earl Grey tea, crumpets? by Caine Constantine On the morning of Thursday, June 11th 2008, the Merczateers pulled their forces out of Prize Delta after a [...]
Full StoryTask Force Marines and Merczateers Battle for Prize Delta Sim
A desperate battle against Merczateers air power – hawt, sexii recruits – Task Force Marine resorts to griefing tactics – destroying the base to save it with suicidal sim-killing missile attacks – a short lived peace broken by musket wielding British Redcoats by Caine Constantine Prize Delta On the night of Wednesday, June 11th 2008, [...]
Full StorySL Militia: Task Force Marines – Day 2
Nazi alts, neopotism in the marine leadership, attack of the Cookie Monster by Caine Constantine [the Herald correspondent returns to the Task Force Marine base and is given a warm welcome] Caine Constantine shouts: Hey guys, how’s it going? Is bennyboy Ball in?toccovender Waco shouts: caine, go away. This taccovender Waco, another soldier in the [...]
Full StorySL Militia: Task Force Marines
by Caine Constantine Coverage of the Second Life military scene is traditionally dominated by information on the largest groups – the Merczateers, Alliance Navy, Ordo Imperialis, and the like. But while these may be the most visible face of the scene, there are countless other militaries rising to prominence of their own. In this two-part [...]
Full StoryAlliance Navy Landowner SL Incest/Ageplay?
ex-Admiral’s Nanao Mahfouz’s double tool leads to chatspy trouble by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk If the whispered rumors are true – and the over-the-top chatlog is real – the position the Alliance Navy leadership finds itself in must be excruciating. Former Admiral Nanao Mahfouz was allegedly involved in roleplaying incest ageplay with Jezabeth Poutine [...]
Full StoryOrdo Imperialis — One of the Big 3 in SL Combat
by Vegna Fouroux The last time the Second Life Herald covered The Ordo Imperialis was when Novus Ordo Imperialis disbanded. That’s all ancient history now. The Ordo Imperialis are now one of the Big Three in SL combat alongside their allies Merczateers and their enemies the Alliance Navy. I got talking their officer cadre after [...]
Full StoryRemnant Imperium Rising Privately — To Avoid Copybot
by Vegna Fouroux Overlord LawrenceJoseph Roffo says SL war community would be better off with more combat and less politics Deadlock. I think that pretty much sums up SL combat at the moment. Noob armies are the only forces that are fighting the more established armies (the later shunning each other with claims of cheating, [...]
Full StorySL Military : Divided
by Proteus Hand, war correspondent Proteus Hand For those of you who don’t keep up with their events, there exist two treaties, the Ascendant Initiative, and the Iron Symphony. Most people will argue against this claim, but from what everyone seems to understand, the initial catalyst started when the Merczateers scripted together a riot shield. [...]
Full StorySecond Life Sky Navy Sinking Fast
Fox Mainline destroys main SLSN group – Ethan Schuman currently sole leader of the resurrected SLSNby Proteus Hand – War Correspondant Mere fortnights ago, the Second Life Sky Navy met a disaster of proportions not seen in military scandals before. I logged on one morning, with an invitation to serve as OWNER of the SLSN, [...]
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