Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: Someone’s Killing Mum in SL
by Katrina Eales IF Second Life was the real world my lifeless body would now be in the possession of the coroner. On October 28, for the first time, I saw the dark and sinister side of Second Life in a very personal way. I was attacked by a man who wanted to wield power [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The 10 Worst SL Train Wrecks – So Far
by Casey Jones, railroad expert 10. Any announcement by Robin Linden on a Friday Announce the bad news then head for the hills – the classic Linden strategy. Robin depends on the idea that any resistance is futile since most residents don’t have a week to fight against Lunatic Lab’s latest moves, and at least [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Free Fandom Project

Mighty morphin without space bucks by Nikola Shirakawa Popular books and films naturally create fanboys and fangirls, and these subcultures have taken to heart the Second Life mantra – your world, your imagination. How can we improve Second Life for these players? We need to nurture true fandom. The fanboy title is all-encompassing, whether it [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Moving Beyond Shouting Matches
by Jessica Holyoke Prior to malpractice insurance being required for physicians, some doctors would protect themselves by having all of their assets in their spouse’s name. If a patient ever sued the doctor for malpractice, the patient could win, but there would be no money to compensate the patient. In this way, the physician was [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The VAT Tax Man Cometh

by Inigo Chamerberlin Yet another missive from those lovely folks at Linden Lab. On a Friday, as usual. I’m coming to actively dislike Friday eMails from Linden Lab. What now? Well, all us lucky EU residents are now going to be charged VAT (Value Added Tax to the rest of you) on ‘all payments to [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: PN Leader N3X15 Is the Worst Sort of Furry

[G-Boy Anonymous tells the story of how he outgrew griefing - then learned the current leader of the PN has shocking furry sympathies. When I questioned GBoy's motivations for coming forward, he told me while he dislikes furries, he despises hypocrites. After trying to go straight, GBoy finds living a peaceful life is difficult, because [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: What to do about Griefers?
Hit them where it hurts – right in the computer by Danielle Anders, frustrated resident Everywhere I turn lately, griefing is on the rise. This could be solely a reporting bias – more people means more griefing targets and more griefing reports. But let’s take a look at the problem a little more realistically. The [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: LL Selling Residents’ Souls To Data Miners?

ANYTHING goes in Linden Lab’s headlong drive to get the corporates on board by Inigo Chamerberlin Linden Lab may have found a way of dangling a tasty carrot in front of the corporates – a way of connecting a Second Life resident identity with a RL identity – and this may explain the Linden’s fascination [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Romance me, damn it!
By Linda Loveless I’ll come right out and say it; I’m tired of men always gaming for my crotch! I used to give them the benefit of the doubt — giving them first, second, and third chances to show they were after something more. I *still* give them too many chances… my real life boyfriend [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Linden Lab’s Weasel Worded Quasi-Assurances

Concierge customers: boycott Linden Lab’s ‘test’ of the Age Verification system by Inigo Chamerberlin Linden Lab and Aristotle’s Integrity – trustworthy Earlier today I received an eMail from Linden Lab – the text is reproduced below the fold. After reading the eMail all I could say was – excuse me? Am I missing something here? [...]
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