Nicholas Mafia Website RickRolled!

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Nicholas Mafia's web site has apparently been compromised and now redirects to the always popular RickRoll'D video on YouTube. The Herald was alerted to this late last night when the comment spam grew at an unusual rate with comments on various Nicholas mafia stories all coming from [...]

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Freebies at SL Fashion Week 2009!

by Lavinia Carver I've been covering as much of SL fashion week as I can – and what kind of fashion week would it be without free stuff?! Here are some of the latest freebies from fashion week, all designer, top quality, and there's something to be had for everyone! I'll get right to the [...]

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Lindens Court Hillbilly-and-Redneck Market?

by Pappy Enoch, Hellbilly Filosofur Miz Pixeleen dun sed that lots o' y'all bin cornfused by the fotygraph of a gal an' a fish what them Lindens put on Secund Life. Ain't no puzzlement about it, peeps. Let me tell yu sum'fin asplain as the nose on the side o' my head: Them Lindens am [...]

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Robin Linden Farewell — After the Party is the After Party

A splendid time was had by all by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk avatar scrum at the party In what was almost certainly the in-world SLebrity event of the year, a resident-organized farewell party for Robin Linden was held friday in the packed-to-capacity Dublin2 sim. The party was an absolute classic SL-style “we are going [...]

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Pop Bots – Avatar of the Year – 2008

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk With the lunar new year celebrations behind us and a Gorean slave cleaning crew going through the Herald offices throwing out old Second Life Herald stationary – we're rockin’ Alphaville style now — a crucial story that somehow never made it to press was un-earthed. Yes, the most important [...]

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Alphaville Herald Acquires Second Life Herald

by Idoru Wellman, staff writer As part of a corporate restructuring, the Second Life Herald has been acquired by the Alphaville Herald. Current Herald staff will retain their positions, and the company plans to add staff as the editorial focus of the paper is broadened to include significantly more coverage of worlds and communities beyond [...]

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Slashed T-shirts To Pay For Metaverse?

Rezzable slashme <3 prim – prim feels violated by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk My iMojo 3G phone delivered an odd bit of email this morning -  a survey from metaverse development company Rezzable focused on online sales of real life t-shirts – a vital fashion accessory for basement-dwellers virtual world residents worldwide. Strictly speaking, [...]

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SL Grand Tour Starts Valentines Day

Group overcoming negative feelings from OpenSpace Sim change by Rose Springvale The Grand Tour Planning Committee is pleased to announce our secondGrand Tour on Saturday, February 14, 2009 beginning at 8:30 am SL time. TheGrand Tour was created last fall by a group of citizens who wanted toovercome the negative feelings generated by the change [...]

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WeeWorld WeeMee Wears Justin Timberlake’s Wardrobe

by Sigmund Leominster In my last excursion into the world of adolescents and ‘tweens, I became a new avatar, Pixeleen, and let loose my inner Barbie at the Barbie Girls™ virtual world. My latest trip was as a not-so-undercover reporter into WeeWorld, a virtual chat room populated by thousands of two-dimensional characters called WeeMees. Sigmund [...]

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Robin Harper Linden Farewell In Dublin – Friday 13th

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk This morning, Sitearm Madonna dropped off a press release at the Herald offices announcing "Bad Luck for Linden Lab Day" on friday the 13th — a farewell to Robin Harper Linden Reception at the Dublin 2 sim. The festivities will include a meet 'n greet and live music from [...]

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