Archive for August, 2004
To the Editor: Top Simolean Dealer Delivers Low Blows
In reference to the story in the Second Life Herald about Mick?s Online Game Bucks site evaluating other simolean dealers. Mick?s decision to judge his competition is a low thing to do. I could understamd if he was maybe just listing the competition, but rating them (claiming he used them under an anonymous name when [...]
Full StoryJeff Brown: Let the weeds burn!

I don?t even bother with the ?Jeff Brown spouts off again!? headlines, because, well what else *would* he do. *This* time the Vice President for Corporate Communications for The Borg gave an interview to the BBC wherein, in the words of Clickable Culture, he ?simultaneously begs for pity and declares an apocalypse upon smaller publishers.? [...]
Full StoryErotic Dance Club Opens in Lieu of Controversial Stanford Mega-Mall

The twists and turns surrounding the Stanford simulator in the past weeks have made it hard for us to keep up, but here is a recap. Originally, Tank Levy and One Song of the Associates bought up 2/3 of Stanford to build a mega-mall. This led to all sorts of conflagrations with residents of the [...]
Full StorySecond LIFE Magazine tops 1K in-world circulation

In an important event for in-MMORPG publishers, the second issue of the free monthly publication, Second LIFE Magazine, topped a circulation of 1000 (figures based on copies taken from distribution stands throughout Second Life). With over 65 auto-updating distribution stands throughout the game, Editor Lorelei Patel believes that circulation could top 2000 for issue 3. [...]
Full StoryMy life as an exotic dancer in SL

By Miravoir Psaltry(Previously published in Players Magazine, vol. 7) [In this story, our friend Mir Psaltry takes up virtual exotic dancing, and gives her readers the skinny, so to speak, on one of the more lucrative professions in SL. As a bonus Mir gave Uri a demonstration of her moves (for photos and research purposes [...]
Full StoryBaku Crashed Again! Techsols Take Credit

In the continuing war between One Song’s group, The Associates, and the groups on Jessie, in particular the WWIIOLers and the TechSols, it was the TechSols’ turn to avenge One Song’s attack on the Reichstag. According to an anonymous Techsol member pictured below, he didn’t “know” how One Song’s home simulator crashed again today but [...]
Full StoryDid WWIIOLers Crash Baku?

Hours after Cyanide Leviathan and Jackee Satyr donned their terrorist duds and lag bombed One Song’s club in Baku, I received word from someone that the entire sim of Baku was missing. I went to the site, and sure enough, there where Baku used to be, was a big hole in the SL grid. As [...]
Full StoryFists of Ham part II: The Lindens
So last night I was taking a newbie friend shopping in SL, and even dropped 1K Lindens on a nice new buff skin for my avi, when some idiot that I did not know started firing off a bump gun. Well fine, lots of noise and smoke, but no push effect, so no harm to [...]
Full StoryFists of Ham! Starring SOE
Looks like a protest movement broke out in SWG, over the following. Some players found a way to dupe credits, and then began tipping heavily with them. Rather than do the sane thing and ban the dupers, Sony Online Entertainment banned everyone who received the duped creds (even if unknowingly). Confusing charges about SOE attempting [...]
Full StoryBugged! Mapping project bugging Private Sims, Collecting Data w/o permission
Prong Thetan, owner of a private sim and CEO of the SimCast Project (a medieval themed PvP game to be opened in SL soon), was working with his security guy today, when they came across a small bright orange ball streaming error code. As soon as they began examining it another user showed up, explained [...]
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