Archive for January, 2007
Fear and Loathing in Second Life, Part 5: Helping You to Lead the Way
by Gideon Television I guess it was an innocent enough comment, right here on YesButNoButYes: “Is there any sort of drug scene in Second Life for Gideon to explore?” I’d been clean six months, but as soon as I read the words, the roof of my mouth went dry, and I got that weird itching [...]
Full StoryHerald Paparazzi Camp Plastic Duck
Herald Paparazzi get a rare shot of Plastic Duck. Note how evil and gollumesque his hand is! by Pat the Rat You may live outside of the USA, safely hidden away in a big forbidding city, but it won’t stop the Herald paparazzi from tracking you down and camping you until they get that rare [...]
Full StoryHow Does Deadbeat Downbeat Dell Pay Land Tier?
Dell corporate island owner has no billing info on file by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk UPDATE – Today the Herald was able to contact Pyrrha Dell who assured us via e-mail that Dell is a good citizen – although the financial arrangements with Linden Lab are confidential. To try to entice Pyrhha to upgrade [...]
Full StoryGoon Creates SL Promo Video
Futuristic machinima from 1930 by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk “Second Life: The Virtual Utopia of the Future” is a retro-ironic vision of our brave new world available here on YouTube. The grainy 1930s-style black and white “talkie” machinima was created by Something Awful goon Mr. Decomposing Monstre and benefits greatly from the blurry YouTube [...]
Full StoryAnimetia Bellman – Post 6 Grrrl
[Editor’s note: I know every SL Herald reader looks forward to our end-of-the-week tradition. I know this very well because I get loads of IMs every friday DEMANDING to see the newest Post 6 Grrrl/Guy/Furry/Robot as soon as possible - and each week Marilyn Murphy somehow finds a way to outdo herself. Marilyn is a [...]
Full StoryProtesters Demand LL Send Le Pen’s People to M-rated Sims
Pro/Anti Le Pen groups side by side in Matrix Mall by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk FN security is out in force In a press release today, the SL Left Unity group blasted the Front National party in Second Life as a fascist/racist organization and set the scene for ongoing confrontations by buying land next [...]
Full StoryExtortion! Brutality! Ageplay! Goreans!
Mafia extortion price lists revealed -by sparrowhawk perhaps [Gorean administrator Charles Tiramisu reveals mafia-style extortion attempts against Gorean cities along with price lists from alleged extortionists - services cost up to L$ 40,000/month -- nearly $200 USD. Admin Tiramisu also discuses extreme brutality, slave exports, women, and ageplay concerns in an exclusive interview with the [...]
Full StoryLL Deducts Millions in FurNation Assets
Did LL punish innocent furry recipients of multi-million L$ donations? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In an open letter to the FurNation community, Nexxus Ambassador tells a shocking tale calling into question ownership of in-world assets such as land and L$, and highlighting risks for those trying to support an online community though L$ [...]
Full StoryBlackjack! or How To Lose Your Shirt in Second Life
by Magnus Rothlisberger [Editor's note: This shocking tale of loss reaches us from Second Life resident Magnus Rothlisberger, who hopefully now knows better than to keep much cash in his PayPal account. A cautionary tale.--Walker Spaight] Armed with a popular betting strategy I set out to test the internet gambling goodness in Second Life. I [...]
Full StoryOne Million Dollars Won’t Buy Mother’s Love
by Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist. [Editrix's note: This column marks the debut of a new irregular verb -- -– -- which is copyrighted intellectual property of the Herald. We will open-source this verb in the future to allow others to contribute improved versions to us for possible inclusion in future publications. Un-authorized commercial use [...]
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