Archive for March, 2008
Jimbo “Hair” Quality and the *Lash All-Niter* Hair Story

How Bub Linden got free prim hair for the noobies by Jimbo Quality In fifty or sixty years, when the people living now are either dead or too daft to argue, historians will start chewing on this time period and work it up into a nice smooth bolus for mankind to digest. Whatever conclusions they [...]
Full StoryThey Who Cannot be Named
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate For a year and a half I lived in the worldOf they who cannot be namedI sang of the joys, I sang of the beautyIn the place that cannot be named And as I learned, I helped to buildThis world that cannot be namedI believed when they said that I [...]
Full StorySecond Life Ballet Leaders Reject New TOS

inSL™ logo program already helping simplify, stabilize virtual world by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk TOS and trademark controversy hit the arts in SL As suggested earlier, the inSL™ logo and trademark program can simplify residents’ choices — early signs are quite encouraging. For instance, Espresso and Inarra Saarinen decided for legal reasons that they [...]
Full StoryADV: Two Prime Mainland Oceanfront Sims For Sale

Buy this land – get Philip Linden off the ban list in Sanchon and Jinsil [UPDATE: Second Life Herald ads WORK! Less than 4 hours after this ad ran, Sanchon and Jinsil were SOLD to Rockwell Ginsberg of RG HoldCo. We congratulate Mr. Ginsberg on his taste in land, and remind our readers - if [...]
Full StorySecond Life Left Unity’s Open Letter to LL
Dear Linden Labs We have been a group within your medium for 17 months. We are a political forum, essentially using the forum as a way to link with people of our political persuasion across the world. We felt this media would be a great way to do that and have managed to link people [...]
Full StoryLL Introduces “inSL”™

A striking new logo that supports the community and ensures platform stability by Maximilian Proto, Department of Inner Beauty and Contemplation Are you inSL™? Long overdue and demanded by countless residents, Linden Lab introduced a new set of rules for residents and other people on the use of the company’s trademarks earlier this week. Much-lauded [...]
Full StoryWe Are Freak! We Buy Land!

Bots crush humans in land competition — L$1 mainland gone in under 10 seconds by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A friend has been holding one of the most inconvenient bits of virtual land imaginable – a 576 m2 diamond-shaped sliver of land on an extremely steep underwater hillside located in the Torch mainland sim. [...]
Full StoryShok Antwerp Post 6 Grrrrrrl

[Note from Justine- Every once in a while I find a model who has a number of different looks, each more fantastic than the one before it. Shok's collection of avatars is impressive and it was very frustrating to have to limit my choices to just three pictures! It was a great pleasure to work [...]
Full StoryHuman Trafficking Mansion Is Not Just About Sex

“I came here to roleplay a rape, and all the guys just want to hold my hand! Do I have to beg?” by Wendell Holmer Through the hobnailed oak doors of an old monastery, I saw three women huddled around a bar. Their whispers echoed across the stone floor.“Anyway, hun,” Mary was saying, “the reason [...]
Full StoryVanity: The First Deadly SL Sin

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who’s the fairest of them all?”by Sigmund Leominster It’s a curious feature that there is one particular piece of furniture that doesn’t really translate from RL into SL – the mirror. Here in the Metaverse, people don’t really need to see themselves, thanks to the miracle of the third-party point [...]
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