Archive for June, 2008
The True Story of How Plastic Duck Saved The SL Economy
History of the Voted5 goons includes amazing revelation — Philip Linden caught in-world accepting bug reports!! by Mötör Vöted5 [this story appeared in a slightly different form at the Griefer Herald, where the author describes an exploit allowing free transfer of L$ spacebux - part of a tell-all account of a bygone era. While the [...]
Full StoryObituary: Morlin Saarinen

Aretai Warrior and Shivar Prime Minister by montserrat snakeankle {RdS} Morlin Saarinen The SL Gorean community was saddened on June 3, 2008, to hear of the RL death of Aretai Warrior Morlin Saarinen. Master Saarinen, who was an active duty member of the US Army in real life, committed suicide the night of June 1, [...]
Full StoryNipplegate: LL’s 5th Birthday SHOCK!

Mr. Winky makes a public appearance on PG-rated land by Kris Dibou I went to the SL5B celebration the other day and witnessed Artfox Daviau’s wooden sculpture of a lady, sans breasts in order to comply with the rules of the exhibition. Much to my surprise, only a few steps away was a sculpty rendering [...]
Full StorySL Religious Warfare Breaks Out!!!

Scientology conflict results in copyright infringement claims, eviction by Jessica Holyoke In Sorens, a religious battle of words and accusations broke out between the Church of Enturbulation and a Scientology group. The Church of Enturbulation on Second Life has a facility that educates people about the methods and problems with the Church of Scientology. Next [...]
Full StoryThe Pandora’s Box of Second Life!!!

Do we dare face SL’s 5 worst evils? by Mony Markova In myth, Pandora was the first woman ever to be created. She was fashioned from clay and blessed with every gift the gods could grant. With evil intentions Zeus endowed her with a box to present to the man who married her, who opened [...]
Full StoryThe Super Sekret Sex Diary of Philip Linden
12th March, 2008 [8:23 a.m. SLT] Logged on today as Monkeybear Tailchaser. Spent an hour in one of the Furry sims playing “Hide-the-tentacle” with Tickling Mibutt and Throbbie McOcelot. Also had a quickie with Butterthighs Sweetlick, a sort of cross between Jessica Rabbit and a Wookie. Not sure if Butterthighs is a he or a [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Great Watermelon Strikes Back

Banned for abuse of support staff by vandalizing Torely Linden’s SL Wiki page? by Jumpman Lane No one labors under the impression that the kindly game gods of Linden Lab who traipse around the grid in (as) who-knows-wtf-that-avi-is-supposed-to-be avatars are anything but human on the meat side. However, some mistake the sudden appearance of a [...]
Full StoryVideo Celebrates Second Life
Residents prompted to ask deep questions — “I wonder why only my avatar gets laid?” by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk After reading Gwyneth Llewelyn’s joyous account of the Lab’s recurring self-inflicted organizational problems with their yearly anniversary celebration, “The SL5B Drama: Crowdsourcing Fiasco Or Devious Plan?“, it seems appropriate to mark the beginning of [...]
Full StoryPeter Stindberg — Post 6 Guy

[Peter contacted me early this week asking if I was interested in featuring a Post 6 Guy for a change. I checked his profile and was more than glad to see a male avi whose shoulders were not set to 100% and who seemed to have a good feeling for fashion and styling. During our [...]
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