Archive for October, 2008
Vryl Valkyrie Nukes 3000 Member OpenSpace Protest Group
Replacement +SOS+ group gains 1755 members in one day by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Vryl Valkyrie achieved a certain notoriety after deciding she knew the best way for residents to protest Linden Lab’s surprise OpenSpace sim price hikes. Although Cube Republic had started -SOS- (Save our Sims) protest group, he was eventually persuaded to [...]
Full StoryTenshi Morigi — Post 6 Grrrl

[Tenchi Morigi's photo shoot took place under beautiful cherry trees on her Givenchi sim. As we are both in the same timezone, it was a nice experience to meet at a time when only 20,000 residents were online. Things rezzed within seconds, there was no lag at all. It was photographer's heaven. Tenchi is one [...]
Full StoryOpen Spaces Protest Closes Nautilus Sim!

Spontaneous resident protests fill, then crash LL’s Nautilus showcase simProtest overflows into neighboring regions by Curious Rousselot Nautilus Shalim (from Yamm) Around 1:30 SLT on October 28, 2008 the region of Nautilus – Shalim experienced something you don’t normally see on mainland regions as new as it is. Avatars, including this reporter, were unable to [...]
Full StoryLinden Jacks Land Prices 66% — Residents Outraged

Nautilus sim hit by tidal wave of angry avatar protesters by Jessica Holyoke In the wake of “Price” Jack Linden’s announcement of a 66% monthly tier increase – Openspace Pricing and Policy Changes – angry residents flooded the newly opened Nautilus sim. The protests were sparked by both a 50% increase in the upfront “purchase” [...]
Full StoryZito Corleone Dead Again

Corleone mafia leader could miss SL Herald’s 5th anniversary celebration by Pixeleen Mistral, Criminal Affairs desk Nicholas mafia makes quick work of Corleone mafia boss burial A runner for the Nicholas mafia swung past the Herald offices recently to drop off a picture of what appears to be a tombstone for rival mafia boss Zito [...]
Full StoryHerald Reporter Banned from Woodbury

Rogue robot runs wild with ban stick!!! by Kris Dibou Artfox Daviau joins Kris Electricteeth on the Woodbury the ban list "I am deeply repulsed by the eagerness of otherwise smart, well-intentioned people to try to solve all the underlying tensions of SL by banning residents or entire islands at the drop of the dime. [...]
Full StorySL Military Yiff ‘N Tell
“At least you weren’t recording this or anything” by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk & Vegna Fouroux, military correspondent Christoph Naumova – leader of the Vanguard Militia – has been frantically denying he was involved in a fur phone sex seduction posted to YouTube last week. At stake is Mr. Naumova’s reputation and leadership authority, [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Island Owners to LL: New Continent and Tier Payments Are Killing Us!!!
An open letter to Linden Lab by PonygirlSarah Clapper, Island Owners Association M Linden, Congratulations on becoming the CEO of Linden Labs. Unfortunately, those of us who have invested heavily into SL have seen our investments fall into worthlessness thanks to decisions made by someone in the company. Let me explain, if I may. First [...]
Full StoryBunny Brickworks — Post 6 Grrrl

[It's Bunny, bitches! I swear that will be the only Britney connotation in here, no shaving off prim hair or dropping prim babies in the virtual swimming-pool ... No, I won't leave the Post 6, I am sorry to burst your bubbles. You will have to put up with me, my articles and pictures a [...]
Full StoryHow to Skin a Cat (or a Neko)

by Stacia Villota, virtual Neko Jungle Voodoo’s Leopard skins, “Neko style” (click any of these photos to enlarge) One of the questions I hear most often is where to find good skins for Nekos. While it would be easy to provide the names of the most popular Neko stores that sell skins, I prefer a [...]
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