Archive for December, 2008
Wikipedia Helps You Create Your Own Bots — For Free!

Wikipedia links to ready-to-use Copybot V4 download by Kris Dibou, part-time bot – external links section includes open source copybot So you've visited some of the big stores in SL, and noticed the models who look exactly like avatars, but never say anything; in fact, they may even have a tag over their [...]
Full StoryPop Bots of Second Life

e-Business demands bots! by Idoru Wellman, e-business consultant bots done right – a stylish addition to any business A flair for witty and artistic placement of population boosting bots — pop bots — can enhance not only your in-world shop’s traffic, but is also crucial in projecting a professional image. The Herald visited several [...]
Full StorySim Crash Featured In Torley Linden’s Holiday Film Special
PN Griefer attack's aftermath confuses Linden film maker by Pixeleen Mistral, New Media/Film critic “Technically its not off line – I’m right here… ohhh I don’t have a good feeling about this… hahahahaha … oh… what are those particles?…. this is just so surreal…where is everyone?” – Torley Linden The Holidays wouldn’t be complete without [...]
Full StoryAuntie M Linden Looks Back Into the Future
by Auntie M Linden, noobie metaverse CEO Greetings all! Auntie M Linden here. I’d like to wish you, your Gorean ‘families’, online mafia friends, alts, ex-partners, furries, and reformed griefers a happy and healthy New Year. As we come to the end of the year, I thought I’d share some of the wonders of Second [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl — Dreams Lightcloud

[A while ago a friend ofmine noted that my Post 6 people have generally longer been in world than thosebefore and I had to admit that I choose 'older' avis on intention. Though Ilove the innocence of newbies stumbling around and marveling the beauty andsometimes weirdness of a new virtual world, it is those with [...]
Full StoryLegend City Online Fashionista Drama-fest
Should non-payment of land tier result in removal of all creator's content? by Jessica Holyoke Over on Metaversally Speaking, there is a post about a dispute on one of the new OpenSim-based virtual worlds, Legend City Online. According to the account, Simone Stern volunteered content to Legend City, as well as her name and goodwill. In return, she [...]
Full StoryConsidering Other Grids — The Baba Yamamoto Interview

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk To gain some insight into the growing number of competitors to metaverse service provider Linden Lab, I visited Baba Yamamoto Saturday afternoon. Mr. Yamamoto has been involved in open source reverse engineering of the Second Life protocols for some time, is one of the administrators of the libsecondlife library, [...]
Full StoryWinter Magic by Black Swan

by Bunny Brickworks It'sthe time of the year that you open your closet and wonder what to wear to getinto the right mood for the holidays. Of course, it should be something sexy,glamorous and extraordinary. The only time of the year when even the grittiestNeko girls take off their tattoo layers and dive into the [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: You Can’t Fix Stupid

Why are so many SL men total idiots? by Steve01 Denimore The comedian, Ron White, once said: "You can't fixstupid." He is right. Stupid is what many males in SL are. I know thisbecause I have many female friends who tell me about the idiot behaviorthey encounter from SL males. I have also seen some [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl — Clover Vella

[When Clover rezzed in front of me in this winter wonderland she calls her home, I could not stop and stare and that incredibly beautiful face. She looked like Mrs. Claus in her green and red dress and it was crystal clear she would be my Christmas Post 6 Grrrl. And during our photo shoot [...]
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