Second Life Twitter War Goes Beyond Nasty

by Pixeleen Mistral on 09/10/11 at 9:41 pm

LabRatuOut accuses Linden Lab staff of Stroker Serpentine smear campaign

The long running war of words between Jumpman Lane and Stroker Serpentine took a bizarre turn over the last two days after a newly minted Twitter account named LabRatuOut first tweeted a series of warnings to Mr. Lane asking that he apologize to Serpentine by 9 am PDT Friday or face dire consequences.


The deadline passed, and LabRatuOut then tweeted claims of links between Linden Lab staff and an orchestrated smear campaign against Mr. Serpentine intended to drive him out of Second Life.

Stroker Serpentine recently walked away from his Second Life adult animation business. Jumpman Lane told me in an interview last week that his anti-Stroker campaign had been greenlighted by Linden Lab staff - although he was unable to produce evidence of this.


In response to Jumpman's prolific, profane, and controversial tweets,  LabRatuOut has produced 173 tweets in the last 2 days. At this point it is impossible to know if LabRatuOut's claims are true. However, given the volume of pictures and profiles presented, significant effort must have gone into the campaign.

"The Life Safety Check on Stroker came from SanFran" - LabRatuOut

Claims made include the real life identity of Jumpman Lane (allegedly Jimison Hutchinson),  the connection between Jumpman and Linden Lab product manager Esbee Linden (Sarah Kuehnle Hutchinson is claimed to be married to Jimison Hutchinson), and a claim the former Linden Lab staff member Blue Linden is actually Jumpman Lane.  There are also claims that Esbee Linden's twitter account @kidmarmite "liked" Jumpman's effigy of Stroker Serpentine.

did LabRatuOut reveal Jumpman's real life identity?
Jumpman responds
Jumpman responds with profanity and retweets of LabRatuOut

True or not, the allegations are sure to create a drama storm of epic proportions in the Second Life player community. 

have the subpoenas begun to fly?

Given the links to what are claimed to be real life identities of high visibility Linden Lab staff, it would not be a surprise if this war of the tweets ended in legal action, a possibility that LabRatuOut has points out frequently, while citing legal precedent that can make an employer liable for the actions of employees.

It is hard to see how this can end well for anyone involved.

Did Esbee Linden like Jumpman's Stroker effigy?
Esbee Linden's profile at Metanomics

The Twitter war is only the latest development in a conflict that began after Stroker Serpentine filed a lawsuit against Linden Lab. Shortly after the suit was filed, Jumpman Lane began a vigorous campaign against Serpentine - a campaign which recently gained new visibility with the departure of Serpentine from Second Life, followed a few days later by his departure from Twitter.

If all this is a bit hard to follow, LabRatuOut provided a narrative thread in the twitter stream Saturday which is reproduced in part, below:

Good morning Tweeples I have a story to tell for #secondlife A story of intrigue and deception pull up a pixel and follow along
There once was this company named Linden Lab. Not a bad company as companies go. Their popularity was astounding
Linden created this world named Secondlife. They wanted it to be free and open to all. A world for adults to enjoy
Then along came Stroker Serpentine. Not a particularly creative sort, but a master of marketing. CBS took notice
First thing you know Second Life was flooded with every imaginable activity one could imagine. Some not so savory
Before long the Lindens were flooded with governance issues beyond control. Pervs, Griefers and Scammers abound
Philip and crew were overwhelmed by their diversity and tenacity. Some were tolerable others not so much
Stroker was in their face, having a ball at SLCC and garnering all kinds of support. SL was changing into Westworld
Several of these Lindens befriended Stroker and was surprised to find that he wasn't exactly the stereotypical perv
In fact they were surprised to find that Stroker was actually a decent man. Dedicated to his family and friends
The problem was good ole Stroke was attracting a bad element with all of his publicity. Lechorous types abounded
These Lindens tried to insulate their pervy pal as best they could to stem the tide of treachory around him.
Ole Stroke was dug in pretty good and it would take some earnest effort to break him free. SLCC's came and went
Then along came M Linden and he made some deep cuts in payroll. Lindens were lost. Second Life waned
Of course all of these Lindens kept their alt accounts and hoped for better days. Second Life could be saved!
That damn Stroker just couldn't stay out of the limelight. He sued Linden Lab and started a landslide of lawsuits
That didn't trouble the ex-Lindens so much, they were pretty PO'd at the Lab anyways. Stroke knew many of them
Philip decided that Rodvik was the man for the job! He could turn SL into a gaming platform. Teens were the future!
But that Stroker was a bad element. He couldn't stay off the airwaves. His Linden buddies had a plan! Infiltrate!
he only way to get close was to pretend to be a competitor. Stroker never met an enemy in SL. He had to be pushed!
Then that nasty Taboo episode aired and it made Stroke look bad and the Lab. These Lindens were livid!
Add on top here was Stroke partying with Woodbury at SLCC 2011. The horror! Stroke was being indoctrinated ZOMG!
Jumpman was the answer. But someone AR'd Jumpy for being underage. He had to pony up his I.D. to stay on the grid
Stroke's Linden pals were nervous. Their infiltrator could be outed. Jump was no fool. He was a man of letters!
Stroker's pals knew he was close to his RL family so they focused on using that against him. Jumpy was in overdrive
Jumpman had skillz. He could whip up a website in minutes. He learned that where he met his wife.
Now that his wife was back at the Lab. He could use his psychology skillz to oust the ilk that plagues SL.
Just as he did before. Only he wasn't Jumpman Lane then. He was a Content Creator. He made "bits" just like Stroker
But he didn't really have the stomach for it. Being a family man and a Linden. Like other Lindens, adult was no-no
Not to mention Ole Stroke had his bits in a freebie pack at his shop. This was war now! Stroker had to be targeted
Stroker was confused. Who was this "Jumpman" and why was he after him? They had never met. Or, had they?
You see Tweeples, Jumpy and his pals were doing this for Stroker's "own good". He was insulated by fleas and ticks
The Taboo episode was the last straw. They made Stroker look bad. Second Life too. They were about ratings only
And think of the children! Look how distraught his wife was! It was time to double down. Jumpman was enlisted again
Stroker was confused and distraught. Why was this character after him with such tenacity? What had he done to him?
@JumpmanLane..Shhh Fleabite/Blue Linden, I'm telling a story here!
@JumpmanLane or "Mr.Tom" whatever you prefer
You see Tweeples ole Stroke HAD met "Mr.Tom" once. At an SLCC a while back.
Stroker noticed his ring, being an Army man himself. But, Stroker wasn't supposed to know "Blue Linden"
Oh, and that cane was certainly a giveaway. Stroker didn't push the issue. He was obviously trying to be "incognito", but why?
I wouldn't look well to have a Linden making fleabits. And who knew what Taco and his pals were up to anyways.
But what Stroke's Linden pals didn't know is that he was moving away from adult. He was sick and tired of if.
They didn't know he had spent his last monies on a comeback. Stroker was an entrepreneur. He knew to change.
What Stroke's pals saw in his wifes face was fear. Fear that the "comeback" wouldn't take, Taboo was a shot of hope
Sadly, Taboo twisted the interview to suit their agenda. The IM's Stroker was getting in world were overwhelming
Jumpy got the idea to use Taboo as his weapon. Being a military man and a father he knew a bit of psy-ops
Jumpman was careful not to use terms like "incest" or "molestation". These could be legally used against him.
Jumpy has had a bit of experience with the law fighting the government for his injury. He was also a psych major.
The Lindens circled their wagons. A to Z they knew what to do. Smear Stroker's family until he gave up and quit.
This was a Smackdown! From General to Colonel's were called to the task. Get rid of Serpentine!
After all it was for Stroker's "own good" and that of his poor wife and family.
They needed to be "pesky" Keep the mission covert. After all, it could mean their jobs if they got caught.
But Ole Stroke had done a bit of psy-ops in his day too..He knew how to flush guilded turds as well. He pushed back
Stroker knew he was being played, so he played back. One by one the turds lost their guilding.
These were a crafty bunch, they had to cover their asses well. This was their playground. They made the rules.
The Wounded Warrior and his Colonels didn't plan on they themselves being infiltrated. Their ranks weren't closed.
So all you Tweeples and Sheeples out there in LaLa Linden land should wait for the last chapter of Jumpy's book
Jumpman should call it the "Guilded Turd". It has a nice ring to it. The saga continues. Juro Katani FTW!
For the record. Ole Stroke isn't much of a writer. He prefers the media. And lawyers. Flush that turd "Mr. Tom"
If I were you, I would polish up my latin re: "respondeat superior". LL has some flushing to do too! See ya soon!

Where does this all end? The tension between Internet pseudonyms, free publication platforms such as Twitter, an Internet that never forgets thanks to Google, and opaque agendas by the various players seems to have created a situation that will likely damage real life reputations no matter how the war of words is concluded.

Is this the sort of game you want to play?

186 Responses to “Second Life Twitter War Goes Beyond Nasty”

  1. Urizenus Sklar

    Oct 9th, 2011

    The game keeps getting bigger.

  2. Tux

    Oct 9th, 2011

    Before Jumpman begins his incoherent rants I would just like to say this is yet another light shed on LL. Something is fundamentally wrong there for sure.

    Although I would also like to mention the fact that many Lindens have been identified in the past. But not all of them correctly. Just ask the JLU!

    Personally though, I will enjoy watching Jumpman in all of this. He may even topple Prok and the JLU for my top slots of favouritism, if I can decipher what he writes that is.

    And in answer to your question, yes this is the sort of game I want to play. I love watching this drama.

  3. Senban Babii

    Oct 9th, 2011

    “Is this the sort of game you want to play?”

    “Play is a voluntary activity or occupation, executed within certain fixed limits of time and place, according to rules freely accepted but absolutely binding, having its aim in itself and accompanied by a feeling of tension, joy, and the consciousness that it is “different” from “ordinary” life.”

    “and the consciousness that it is “different” from “ordinary” life.”

    SL is no longer a “game” because people have sought to extend the magic circle that defines the bubble of altered reality and push it into the world outside the game whether people like it or not. Which is precisely why I stopped being more than tangentially involved in SL a very long time ago.

  4. Urizenus Sklar

    Oct 9th, 2011

    Yes Senban, what we are really seeing here is the ludification of work and office politics. Whether labratuout is on the inside or (currently) on the outside, that seems to be what this is about, and it seems to be what Jumpman is about. It’s *all* a game to some.

  5. hobo kelly

    Oct 9th, 2011

    if Jumpy is really Blue Linden, then why would he have to pony up his RL identification when someone AR’ed him? you know I would not have believed that could happen if I had not read that herald article where Rodvic Linden’s relative got AR’ed and suspended for 3 days for the lab-broken auto cars… this is turning into some kind of Greek tragedy where the common folks are having to fight back against constant aggravations and vexations cast down upon them from hedonistic Gods on high… and also when those Gods take on human form and hidden identities and walk amongst us in the world. Uri is right, this whole game is widening…

    (ps: Jumpy you are Blue Linden :)

  6. Me Gusta

    Oct 9th, 2011

    I’ve met Blue Linden IRL and he is a well spoken, intelligent, and genuinely nice person. That would be some *serious* roleplay if he was Jumpman Lane.

  7. Bubblesort

    Oct 10th, 2011

    The game keeps getting bigger! I hear that Jimison Hutchinson is actually the alter-ego of a Saudi Prince and Kevin Alderman is actually the alter-ego of Barrack Obama! This whole conflict is really over the oil for weapons trade that’s been going on for years between the US and Saudi Arabia. It all leads back to Putin pulling the strings, though. He’s the one who convinced the two that they need to renegotiate harder. As Stroker and Jumpman spend all their energies trying to kick each other out of SL Putin is mustering his forces for conquest of the Arabian peninsula. Once he controls the oil he’ll have all the money he needs to feed his massive flock of Sion chickens for generations to come.

  8. Gundel Gaukelei

    Oct 10th, 2011

    So, right the time Mr. Alderman started his career as the primary pain in the lindens ass, some totally unrelated nobody out of a sudden starts getting after him like hell for no obvious reason with the defined goal of driving him out of SL. Finally successful. Oh, what a fortunate coincidence!

    Cui bono?

  9. paul

    Oct 10th, 2011

    is the game getting wider? or is it getting deeper on a narrow front among those (very) few who are in this deep?

  10. LOL

    Oct 10th, 2011

    Is it true that Blue Linden aka Cyan Linden (Gov of the Teen Grid_ aka Fleabite Beach really was the first person to release a Photo shopped Vagina on the pants clothing layer in SL?

    If so.. then Sexond Life really does exist!

  11. Life check

    Oct 10th, 2011

    Actually I saw mention of a life check, and im going to go out on a limb and say I know what thats about. It’s totally not..a negative thing. When this twitter-capade started, there was a post made by Stroker on his twitter that had made it to plurk, prokofy (yes that prok) apparently was reaching out for help. The final twitter by Stroker (at the time) was ominious and hinted deeply at suicide. 50+ people responded to this plurk and it grew to emense proportions. Many of us, not knowing him, and simply wanting to ensure someones life wasnt lost, were rooting through google searches, old lawyer papers,and any contact we could find. I know myself, as well as well as a few others called the sheriff’s department, giving the only known address we’d found matching him, and phone number (google, seriously has everything). It was honestly alot of us going out on a limb to do something good. I was one of the callers, who spoke to the tampa sheriff who sent out a deputy to do a wellness check for the address in question. Anyway point is, if you’d seen the entire twitter within a period of 2 days leading up to this final one, you can understand why people worried. if you can cut through the shit and the stupid drama of a fucking video game, you’ll find real people in the world that arent total ass wipes that actually care if someone got hurt.

  12. Ciaran Laval

    Oct 10th, 2011

    I used to go to Blue’s office hour, so did Jumpman Lane, he used to go to Blondin’s too, they used to overlap by half an hour, so I’m finding this allegation that Jumpman is Blue’s alt to be a bit of a stretch to say the least.

  13. Stroker Serpentine

    Oct 10th, 2011

    This shit needs to stop. I could give a rats ass about Jumpman Lane. I deleted my account and have moved on from SL. I have no plans to sue anyone or Linden Lab. I have better things to do. I’m asking everyone concerned to please just drop it and move along. Jumpman obviously is a very deranged individual who can have all the fun he wants in his little world. Nothing to see here. Move along. Don’t encourage the psychopath. Conspiracies make for good press. Please don’t give this any more credance Pixeleen. This and other reasons is exactly why I felt the need to leave SL. Get a life Jumpman, if you can.

  14. Stroker Serpentine

    Oct 10th, 2011

    For the record, I haven’t ever met Blue Linden in real life. But I find this very disheartening. The few times I’ve dealt with Blue in SL were always professional and articulate. I’ve known Fleabite Beach for years. There’s no way in hell he could be Jumpman Lane. I have a good idea who Labrat is and I will put a stop to this today. I just want to be left alone to make a new business and take care of my family. Jumpman has no affect on my life at all. Nor could he with the accusations I’ve seen. Don’t feed the freak.

  15. Storm

    Oct 10th, 2011

    This is some great reporting. I don’t know why but I have followed this issue for the past few weeks — it has not let me down when it comes to entertainment value: drama, humor, the pure “lunacy” of it all. I doff my hat to these Alphaville Herald masters.

  16. Miss J

    Oct 10th, 2011

    Hey Stroker, if you really didn’t care you wouldn’t be commenting on a pretty frivolous Alphaville Herald Story.

  17. hobo kelly

    Oct 10th, 2011

    that manifesto above sounds like it was written by Jumpy for his pixel X magazine or something. if that were the case then LabRatuout is really Jumpy too, and in those tweets showing above, LabRatuout / @JumpmanLane is really talking to all the other people tagged in the tweet beyond @JumpmanLane… as a means of throwing people off track. just a thought. and… how does Blondin Linden fit into all of this? that name keeps coming up… and… why does Jumpy think Torley is after him? deeper and deeper…

  18. Urizenus Sklar

    Oct 10th, 2011

    Blondin comes in because Jumpman claimed in his interview with Pix that Blondin was egging him on to attack Stroker. Blondin has apparently denied this.

    Prok’s take on this is worth a read:

  19. marilyn murphy

    Oct 11th, 2011

    it used to be fun to have an enemy in sl. fights over land or businesses were rather stimulating. this is all just bizarre. i just skimmed this and got some highlights. you know, you really need to just ignore crazies who threaten and complain alla time.

  20. Hypatia Callisto

    Oct 11th, 2011

    Whoever that guy is, it’s not Blue. There are a lot of pictures of Blue on the net, and in all of them he has brown eyes and he is not uhh, the most physically fit looking either. Rather tall/lanky. That guy has blue eyes and looks to be pretty solid, maybe not that tall either.

    Sadly I think the photo is some guy from Esbee’s flickr before she worked for LL. I saw another picture of the same guy where his eye color is more obvious, though it is only a small portion of his face.

    But all bald guys look the same, am I right? Whoever he is, he’s probably not Jumpman either, but some guy from Esbee’s personal life, and what this is, is a massive prying into her personal affairs and its just flat wrong.

  21. Linden lab

    Oct 11th, 2011

    LabRatuOut is Jumpman Lane.

  22. Jumpman Lane

    Oct 11th, 2011

    keep ruunin ur flap marilyn and ur gonna find out how fun havin an enemy can be! so shut ur cake hole!

    i unno esbee but i would like to bust her drawls now that i seen her rl pix!

    is there nothing that qualifies as news going on ANYWHERE in second life hehehehe

  23. Observer

    Oct 12th, 2011

    The twittering of labratuout has the same psychological ticks as Jumpman Lane.

    Jumpman Lane has endlessly defamed individuals and groups inside SL and s/he appears to be exempt from disciplinary action.

    Essbee gets away with whatever because she is a drippingly cute sex object.

    Now someone produce some actual evidence of wrong doing. Otherwise this remains a continuance of the ongoing elaborate troll of Second Life.

  24. Tux

    Oct 12th, 2011

    Oh Jumpman, can I keep ruunin and find out how fun havin an enemy can be?

    Really, you shouldn’t embarrass yourself by posting shit no one can understand. We may all be getting the wrong impression about you. I suppose there is a chance you do not have a mental age of a ten year old, but you don’t have a very strong case in demonstrating otherwise!

  25. Bunjie

    Oct 12th, 2011

    Before this we had the whole Jumpman Lane is Blondin Linden, Now Blue Linden then what’s next? Crotch Linden when someone puts the boot in?

    @Jumpman Lane You’ve all ready been painted in myth & fable as blonde and blue, keywords that people remember and likely won’t forget so I’d almost over think this (just for shitz and giggles) and say someone down the line was trying to paint you as *gasp* a Nazi because it seems a short hop to go from such keywords that people know surround your persona, “blonde” hair + “blue” eyes then to use it to defame you in the future by some form or reverse keyword Google bomb psychology.

    Oh wait your the Google bomb king, so I guess it was all in your plan eh?

    Ok back to reality you’re not blondin or blue. you act like a class a fuckwit but I don’t like to discriminate against people who clearly have mental issues so because of this I still like you sorta and I might send you a virtual dictionary at Christmas, I hope this helps with your learning to spell.

  26. Emperor Norton hears a who?

    Oct 12th, 2011

    Linden Lab @ “LabRatuOut is Jumpman Lane.”

    Hard to be sure but their is a lot of sock puppeting going on here. Both Jumpman and LabRatutOut are faking it on the writing style.

    Observer @ “Jumpman Lane has endlessly defamed individuals and groups inside SL and s/he appears to be exempt from disciplinary action.”

    Ya well LL an’t exactly noted for their hard nose moderation of SL. Going by the Linden’s record if Jumpman is a rouge Linden I more would expect LL would be all over him for going native.

  27. Emperor Norton hears a who?

    Oct 12th, 2011

    What LOL “comment awaiting moderation” There are things that can’t be said at the Alphaville Herald? To funny.

  28. Peter Pedant

    Oct 13th, 2011

    This Jumpman person is perfectly at liberty to express himself in any patois he chooses. The moderator of this forum (if such there is) is also at liberty to delete it, on the grounds that it is a bunch of crap. All readers are equally at liberty to ignore the whole thing, which is probably the best policy.

    There is a synergy going on here, which is to do with Selling Newspapers. I personally have no problem with that, as long as they don’t do it in the street and alarm the horses. But it appears to me that this entire dialogue does not move us forward, and that the characters mentioned should be left alone to stew in their own juice. Moving on…

  29. GG3

    Oct 14th, 2011

    Strokers left.

    Get over it, the man choose to leave himself.

  30. GG3

    Oct 14th, 2011


    Cok Linden sounds like a very suitable name.

    Wouldn’t you agree?

  31. Sarge Misfit

    Oct 14th, 2011

    No wonder I left for the unexplored frontier. Way too much bullshit going on in SL.

  32. Glenn Beck

    Oct 15th, 2011

    You know who really runs Jumpman Lane’s account?

  33. jerry

    Oct 16th, 2011

    I’m looking forward to jumpies interview with strokers daughter, can’t wait for that

  34. jerry

    Oct 16th, 2011

    virtual daughter that is, you know the one who calls him daddy and sux his dangle bits

  35. Lap Liberty

    Oct 17th, 2011

    Jesus Christ, if you folks can put this in Machinima, then I think that LL would really have a good marketing tool for daytime TV.

  36. IntLibber

    Oct 17th, 2011

    Lap Liberty, lol surely you jest…

  37. Paul

    Oct 17th, 2011


    Nah he doesn’t jest. You just need some perspective and imagine what this look likes to an outside observer, or to 99% of the people that use SL….to us, it’s a bunch of narrative chat room drama between like 10 people, much like “JerseyShore” or “Bad Girls Club” , seemingly with about as much larger significance, no matter what coverage they get fromU.S. News and World Report, the Chronicle of Higher Eduction, or National Geographic’s “Taboo.”

    I wonder if any of those august publications, or Ludlow’s or Boellstorff’s books or articles describe (in between covering virtual legal and copyright issues, the significance of online impression management, and the brave new virtual reality) how a major pastime of the few actual participants in this drama is, for the sake of anonymous ‘lulz’, to ruin the gaming experience of garden variety (and often paying) virtual world users who don’t give a damn (and don’t even know) about woodbury, the JLU, strokerz, or jumpman. Or that a major goal of “Soviet Woodbury” seemingly is designed to torment one lady they don’t like, rather then offer any intelligent critique of capitalism (or whatever their ostensible point is), Or that that same lady will write paragraph after paragraph obsessing over the RL identity of Jumpman dude while simultaneously critiquing the JLU for similarly obsessing over the RL identity of SL residents (and then gets lauded for a cogent analysis by SL’s resident philosopher), or that the “Wrong Hands” will righteously and indignantly criticize the same bunch of ridiculous vigilantes for pursuing people in RL while simultaneously publicly advocating griefing in-world and ‘pranking’ people in real life.

    I tell you what, Snooki has nothing on you people! Keep up the good work.

  38. IntLibber

    Oct 18th, 2011

    Clearly Paul, Soviet Woodbury isnt about tormenting one lady. Really. The woman thinks that everything is about her or targeting her. The fact that she puts her paranoid schitzophrenia and toxo plasmosis maladies so blatantly on display for the public is merely a side entertainment for us… and despite what Prok and Kalel may claim, I’m not associated with The Wrong Hands, but they are a natural evolution as previously unmotivated trolls learn to apply their skills to outing the hypocrisy and criminality of power players…. as for “ruining the gaming experience of garden variety (and often paying) virtual world users”, sir, fuck you kindly, i was at one time one of LL’s top 25 customers until they decided to put their private and corrupt agendas ahead of common business sense and conspired with the JLU to destroy my quarter million USD a year business. Linden Lab ruins the virtual world experience of thousands of their customers without having anything to do with Woodbury, or TWH, or Jumpman or Stroker. I have stories that will simply shock you about the sort of trickery and skullduggery the Lab’s staff have engaged in against people like myself who refuse to have our lips surgically embedded in their arses.

  39. Reader

    Oct 18th, 2011

    Hi5 Paul!

  40. Paul

    Oct 18th, 2011

    Hi Intlibber,

    Clearly you are bitter, and I am sorry about that and about whatever monetary loss you have suffered, but you might want to consider that the sentiment that “The woman thinks that everything is about her or targeting her” could also be applied to yourself. Maybe your expectations were unrealistic about what you could achieve by investing real time and money into a privately owned and for-profit business that you really have no control over and where people can hide behind internet anonymity? It took me about 8 months of being in SL to come to the conclusion that the deck was hopelessly stacked, inherently unstable, and that the long timers I met were in serious need of perspective. Who would willingly put themselves at the mercy of Greek gods (‘game gods’ as they like to say in the Herald)??? You do have a choice you know. That is what I think is missing from all the academic analyses of virtual worlds. The pool is self-selected. Margaret Meade went to an island to study people who had no choice but to “come of age” in Samoa…. Boellstorff found a bunch of people who made the decision to play this game. I am sure the idealism in 2005 was very great, and I am kind of sorry to have missed it. But in the end though, it was twitter and Facebook (where you use your actual identity) that have revolutionized our lives, not SL… shit, even W.O.W. is having a greater impact I bet.

    Beyond the soap opera/reality show drama, I am not really interested in who you are associated with, but it seems to me that all the old-timers have a complete and unhealthy obsession with each other, and it struck me as funny how similar and parallel the enterprises of 1) Prok’s multi-page rant analyzing Jumpman’s RL identity, 2) the Herald’s trumpeting of Jumpman’s RL identity in the article above, and 3) the JLU’s attempt to figure out who their ‘enemies’ are in real life with their creepy jira. It seems like for ALL the old timers, RL identity is only real capital they have, and they spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing about each other and about Lindens. You yourself, intlibber, publicly advocated that someone should ‘prank’ Kalel in RL while simultaneously participating in a mob assassination against the JLU for going after people’s RL information. And if you are so bitter about LL, (and didn’t you say at one point you are banned or otherwise not even in SL anymore??) why are you still obsessing? If it sucks so bad, why not work on something new and productive? If your answer is that LL promised you otherwise, then what is to be said? maybe P.T. Barnum could sum it up. If that sounds cruel or unfair, well I apologize, but you did say “sir, fuck you” to me, which is a kind of strategy that might get you someplace in SL (or maybe not in your case apparently) but only gets you so far in a place where you actually have to take responsibility for yourself.

  41. Intblubber

    Oct 19th, 2011

    Everyone has stories, Intlibber. Your posts are just so riddled with utter BS that you can’t really blame people for assuming all of it is bs, just to be on the safe side. Boy who cried wolf effect, I’m sure you know what I mean.

    Like this last post of yours for example. I could be reading things wrong but it looks like you’re claiming innocence here with no relations to Woodbury…? Didn’t you at one point own one of their sims before LL took it back?

    And why the ‘fuck you kindly’ comment at ruining the gaming experience accusation? Do you feel like that was aimed at you? Guilty concience or just sticking up for your friends…?

  42. Pappy Enoch

    Oct 19th, 2011

    “toxo plasmosis” sounds like a venerable disease. I done asked Barney Google what it were, and now I reckon you gits it by bangin’ them Neko-gals.

    oh oh. Too late for po’ me. I reckons ol’ Lonsum Pine am a gonna rot an’ fall rite off.

    PS: What sort o’ human-bein’ person calls herself “Snooki”?

    PPS: What kind o’ dumb-head world would make that gal famus? She makes me look like a genius.

    PPPS: Why the hell don’t HBO do show about us called “Fake Beach” or sum’fin?

  43. GG3

    Oct 20th, 2011


    Why continue to give money to this company if their standards are below what would consider “business practice”?

    Second-Life is such a failure?

    Because 1)

    You have people stuck in the way-back mindset of 2006 who continue to behave and act as though it is 2006. They want to stay in this invisible ‘comfort zone’ box of snore-fest and have the rest of the world function as -they- would simply because they have been on SL for X amount of years *coughcoughcough*.

    2) The internet is always a changing, massive environment. People like meme’s, they like -new- things. There have been several websites or blogs inspired due to these memes, but on Second-Life you treat normal activities as the bane of the scarlet letter. To keep Second-Life in a plain, boring little box with very little to no innovation other than someone creating a prop here or there or a talent show. Very boring, un-engaging. Very Farmer’s Wife like. Second-Life will eventually kick the bucket on its own(mesh was a move to pump some life back into into the platform, and the change of hands at the top with Rodvik is very interesting).

    It’s nothing more than a market-advertisement with linden token thrown in for economics. If Second-Life were to shut-down tomorrow you would be guaranteed a mad dash to withdraw those very lindens, that is, if LL doesn’t decide to simply “shut down” and take their lindens with them. SL would be nothing more than memories and the few lucky ones who made a profit off Second-Life. Once it’s over, its over. No more Second-Life.

    3) Second-Life is owned by Linden Labs. Linden Labs tells their customers very little to nothing about their own accounts. Linden Lab also has a history of “magically” pulling people’s accounts for boogus or plain stupid reasons. Linden Labs does not care. Linden Labs thanks you for spending mortgage/rent/car money to indulge in cheap, fake little fantasies that amount very little to none other than the cash. Linden Labs has rules that they can literally -bend- at will(at anytime they can terminate your account, for ANY reason). They can and have repo’ed and liquid-drained said accounts. Second-Life is a “gamble” therefore your not guaranteed anything. Interlibber you act as though LL owes you a favor money-wise for fake business, yet what would you have done had you not join SL to began with?

    4) The mechanics are horrid. 10 or more avatars tp into an area and a lag-fest commences. No griefing required. Even Linden-Script requires long learning-curve and only applies to SL. Other than 3rd parties LL pumps out very basic viewer with very little to no features. Bugs everywhere. Very easy to crash on your own, doesn’t take much. The servers are old.

    5) It’s a drama-fest. A new-user accesses Second-Life for the first time and they are welcomed by a literal “Power-Fest”, dictatorship of the 1820′s. Tends to be very cheap and shady acting, peacock prancing environment. LL has also favored certain groups in the past(and in result placed them above other paying customers). Considering how abundant the JLU and similar groups can easily manipulate the platform leaves a strong distaste for many and rightly so. These groups are out of control and act as though they own Second-Life by breaking real-life laws for fake, unrealistic ones. LL has turned a blind eye towards their behavior instead of termination, leaving a good amount of customers at risk in general. No different than a “teacher’s pet” rotten like spoiled fruit. Interlibber you speak of common-business sense? As long as people continue to pay hefty, bogus tier “fees” LL will continue to do as it has done before.

    6) Consider for once Real-Life. People are loosing homes, jobs, places to stay. No Job No Home. No Home, No Internet. No Internet, No Second-Life. They are not worried about the on-going poo-slinging in little Second-Life. Normal people do not consider their avatars as their breathing-self as those here do, and rather spend their money in a game/platform that actually entertains them other than the bane and often piss-pants squealing that harps Second-Life. Much foot-rubbings and butt-kissing, and scandals in the history of SL alone.

    7) SL tends to be one-sided. As far as media is concern, other than a few personal blogs and a few overviews by web-sites there is very little to be known about how the “REAL” SL works and not the painted SL(with the exception of some websites) Log into SL and it’s a boring, dictated, lag-infested environment which can cause lost of interest quiet easily for a new user. Much hype and fluff.

  44. Jumpman Lane

    Oct 20th, 2011

    pixeleen must be dead this thing aint been updated in weeks

  45. IntLibber

    Oct 20th, 2011

    GG3: Who says I give LL money anymore? I haven’t paid them a dime since late 2009. They are crooks and SL should be nuked.

  46. GG3

    Oct 20th, 2011


    That part is true!

  47. hobo kelly

    Oct 20th, 2011

    As someone who dreams about creating some SL machinima for their brand new Crazy Cat Lady Talking Hand Puppet, I have been thinking that maybe a flashback is in order. How it all began. We open up the movie with some kind of outdoor establishing shot where the Crazy Cat Lady is going down the road in full psychotic break mode and comes upon a Bronie which is just standing there staring out into space, at which time the Crazy Cat Lady goes into a full on paranoid rant about how the Bronie is really a Woodbury student in disguise, and being a pink bronie means its not just any old Woodbury student, no… being a pink bronie means that it is most likely a top lieutenant in The Pink Hands group, and that seemingly innocent looking bronie that is just standing there staring off into space is, no doubt, in reality, in its Bronie Brain, formulating its latest west coast nihilist technocommunist plans to overthrow Land Barons in second life. its too good for the Crazy Cat Lady to pass up:

    Crazy Cat Lady: “Got it all figured out yet Bronie, or should I say… Tizzers?”

    Bronie: ” ”

    Crazy Cat Lady: “Oh ok, so you want to play innocent now. I know your type, you think you can edge cast me right out of this damned road right here with your quirky edgyness don’t you?”

    Bronie: ” ”

    Crazy Cat Lady: “Me edgy? Ha thats a laugh. How could I be edgy when I care for 15 cats? Cats know things you know. They can tell a kind and gentle Easterner apart from some left-coast full perm commie nazi like you thats for sure. Answer me this: have YOU ever been given the gift of “Kitty Roca” while cleaning out cat boxes? Didn’t think so… Thats because my cats know things about you. They tell me, and they tell other cats too. So no kitty roca for you. You probably don’t even have one single cat anyway, do you Bronie?”

    Bronie: ” ”

    (At this time our view switches from outdoors in the road to an indoor hospital bed in a semi-private room, on a semi-private sim, with the lettering: orobsnialP notecnirP bleeding through on the glass.)

    Kalel Venkman: “Hey doc, I scooped up this old bag that I found laying in the road arguing with somebody’s lawn orniment. Bellevue won’t let me through their doors anymore so I had to come here…”

    Doctor Jumpy: “hmm, yes. see those eyes? all puffed up. And see that one eye that kind of droops and looks around all wonky like? yep a classic case. I was just reading about this malady in some funny papers somewhere. You didn’t do this to her did you Kalel?”

    Kalel Venkman: “do what?”

    Doctor Jumpy: “Feed her cat crap? This is a classic case of Toxoplasmosis. An old bag lady starts to collect cats and eventually acquires so many that she stops buying human food and stops feeding their own family so that they have enough money to feed their cats. Eventually hunger forces a dip into their cat box rakings, and over time one dip becomes many, and thats how they ingest the parasite that causes Toxoplasmosis. By eating cat turds. Schizophrenia usually follows. Ah but in the hall of mirrors that is the Interwebs the world may never know which came first, the Kitty Roca or the Schiz…”

    (to be continued)

  48. Reader

    Oct 20th, 2011

    What you see happening on SLU is a clear example of what is happening in aggregate (SL-dramafest) and what will ultimately happen here. The excitement rises, the masses form, the rage multiplies, the rhetoric flies……….and then something very predictable happens – the cause dies with *most everyone* getting bored, disenchanted (some even driven to tears…) and then *most everyone* simply leaving. Those few that still hang around, spewing the same worn-out nonsense, hope to God that they remain relevant. But it’s futile. And they haven’t quite realized they lost relevancy ages ago. The only real benefit observers have from any of this lengthy process is that real actors behind the real keyboards become more clear – and more revealed.

    Paul, you kick ass in a hard way and I enjoy reading it. You always state the obvious is a fluent way whilst remaining fresh and RELEVANT. Unless I got you entirely wrong, the question of “why are you still around if it SUCKS so bad and makes you cry…” [to paraphrase of course] really is the true bottom line here.

    There is really only one explanation for any of this BS – web’d mental illness. The utter and brutal display of public(ized) mental illness on the WWW. Other than the ones studying it for papers or profits (or both), the whole thing really is a lost cause.


    Intlibber, you need to go find something new ta-do before you choke on a ham sammich. For reals. SL is clearly not for you and you’ve yet to realize it you poor soul. Run, run very fast, run for your life before you explode from rage drenched ,boredom filled, butthurt-itis.

  49. IntLibber

    Oct 21st, 2011

    Kalolz, shut the fuck up you pedophilic retard.

  50. James Doe

    Oct 21st, 2011

    @ Reader and Paul

    I couldn’t agree more with what was said by both of you.
    Many of these people who complain about SL still play in the world. If they hate it so much then leave. Then you have these people complaining about how they were banned and re-banned time and time again, well maybe the reason you are being banned over and over is because your doing something you should not be doing? Why keep coming back to SL then, what are you trying to prove that you can change you system and pull the wool over the labs eyes?
    Then you have these people that say they don’t go into sl anymore, but still comment about it time and time again. They can’t give it up.
    Just like when you read the threads in SLU I have to agree with the crazy lady in her view of those forums it is the Sharia-Sluniverse.
    You have these old players in SL who were part of some inner circle back in the days of the old SL forums and second citizen. They have been playing the harassment game on many people in the past. These people are still playing the same game from thier early days. They feel they never can get caught because they can manipulate people or feel that they can. One day these people are going to attempt to harass the wrong person and they will find out they aren’t untouchable, and they will end up bring down some real life business of people close to them. Honestly its time for them to grow up and stop playing these alt games with others. Most people know the games that are being played we have been around just as long as them and have seen it in all the above forums.
    I do actually have some small respect for the crazy cat lady because she is who she is. She doesn’t try to play these alt games at least I have not seen it. She may say some really bizarre things and make these really strange leaps of logic. But you know what to expect from her.

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