Archive by Author
Shock! Video Celebrating Cyber-terrorism Wins Second Prize in Fox Sponsored Contest
Just a few weeks ago, Fox News was lamenting the virtual terrorism (and ageplay) in Second Life and calling upon Democratic Presidential candidate John Edward Edwards to condemn it. Today, Fox sub-sub-sub-sub- division Fox Atomic celebrates those exact very same cyber-terrorists by honoring a griefer-made machinima video celebrating Toronto-based griefer Plastic Duck. More shocking still: [...]
Full StoryDark Siders Rejoice: Beyond the Void Announces Tour of SL Goth Clubs
by Nolan Void, Dark Places Bureau Beyond the Void Announces an in-world Concert Tour. Enough with the sensitive new age guys stumming their little guitars and whining about a little lag. Away with posers like Ben Folds and phakers like Jay-Z. Screw the losers pining away for that glorified wet dream for accountants known as [...]
Full StoryJulian Lombardi: Second Life’s Technical Problems “Inevitable”
Second Life not Scalable? Image stolen from Lombardi’s blog.Julian Lombardi, one of the six original architects of Croquet and executive director of the Croquet Consortium AND the original designer of ViOS (Visual internet Operating System) has posted a rather sobering assessment of the scalability prospects for Second Life. Lombardi observes that ViOS went though similar [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life Part 9: Gideon Stays in Starwood Aloft!
[Yes yes, I know, we last left Gideon Television in the Big Brother contest, but that was so long ago and we at the Herald are so in the now, and more than that I'd like to think that Gideon was still there getting decorating tips from the Gorean mistress. So today we fast forward [...]
Full StoryNinja Looters of Infamy: Are The Patriotic Nigras Really Pathetic Posers?
In a shocking new twist to a story that already has more kinks than a pubic hair, reliable Herald sources inform us that despite their bragging on sites like 10 Zen Monkeys, the Patriotic Nigras did not initiate the attack on the John Edwards Headquarters in Second Life. According to our sources, the attack was [...]
Full StoryAstrin Few’s Open Letter: Fix SL or I’m Out
An Open Letter to Second Life ResidentsAstrin Few, SL MusicianPosted on , March 8, 2007(reprinteded here at the request of Astrin Few) As I approach my fourth year in Second Life, I’ve reached a decision point regarding my future participation in SL. After spending countless hours performing, helping organize RL events, helping new musicians [...]
Full Story10 Zen Monkeys: “Patriotic Nigras” e-Terrorist Group Responsible for Attack on Edwards Headquarters
Not Virtual Republicans, but pimply, attention starved, adolescent losers. Imagine that! 10 Zen Monkeys is reporting that there is strong evidence linking the recent griefer attacks on the Edwards Headquarters to the Second Life griefer organization known as the “Patriotic Nigras’. This would not be surprising if true. The attack certainly had the earmarks of [...]
Full StoryBody Doubles: Another IP Puzzle for SL
Here is an interesting question. Body Doubles is a Second Life company run by Persia Christensen that sells body shapes that supposedly correspond to RL stars along with instructions on how you can make your avi look like the star. From Persia’s promotional literature: With this body double shape and my avatar suggestions, you too [...]
Full StoryEdwards HQ Vandalized. Campaign Blames Virtual Republicans.
It’s bad enough having Fox News excoriate you for not staffing your HQ and calling on you to denounce virtual underage sex brothels, but now there is the problem of Republican griefers. According to an Edwards campaign worker, it was not pretty. Shortly before midnight (CST) on Monday, February 26, a group of republican Second [...]
Full StoryFox News Discovers Second Life; Calls on Edwards to Denounce Virtual Underage Sex Brothels
Fox News political analyst and former AOL VP Kirsten Powers has posted a video blog calling for Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards to denounce some of his unseemly second life neighbors, including the “virtual rape fantasy clubs, virtual underage sex brothels and sadly unsurprising proliferation of porn.” Behold the video: An Excerpt from the blog [...]
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