Archive by Author
Paparazzi Release Snaps from Herald 3rd Birthday Debauche.
Machinima mama Moo Money tugs on her blunt and stands guard over the Herald Meth Lab. Just one of the candid shots the Herald paparazzi got at our third birthday bash in October. Yes yes I know it was *months* ago, and in the age of hypervents and instapoof virtual architecture that sort of delay [...]
Full StoryBig Brother in SL: Rules that Even Orwell Could Not Anticipate
As one might expect, the blog-o-sphere is all a twitter over the upcoming Big Brother in Second Life hyperevent because …well… just because its a hypervent. You’ve seen the reports from our friends Adam Reuters and Mark 3.D Wallace, but now you’ve come to the Herald for the *real* story. You are asking: Uri, what’s [...]
Full StoryIBM Finds Application for Second Life Scions
If you were wondering what on earth you were going to do with your Millions of Us crafted Scions, well wonder no more. IBM has made its first contribution to Second Life — figuring out an application for those Scions. Kudo’s to Ian Hughes of IBM’s Hursley Park Lab who posted this idea on their [...]
Full StoryJudge in Sheep/Edelman Biz Plan Contest: SL Probably Not Sustainable
Well this is certainly interesting. Venture Capitalist Susan Wu, who has been tapped to judge the Edelman/Sheep business plan contest has a fresh blog post in which she says that Second Life is an incredible innovator, but probably not sustainable. Ouch. At first I saw irony in the idea of Susan judging business plans for [...]
Full StoryUpdate Wipes Shivar: Concierge Won’t Return Calls
If this is how they Treat Media Moguls Imagine the Service others are Getting Shivar before and after update. Well, I tried to be understanding about this. Called the concierge service three times, left a couple messages, emailed regular support. Fuck it: AT LEAST TELL ME YOU GOT THE MESSAGE. Obviously it won’t come as [...]
Full StoryIt could be worse. We could be in There.
I’ve posted this machinima rock video because (i) it involves griefers and (ii)…well if it involves griefers I don’t need another reason. Still I feel guilty because I’ve been to operas that were shorter, and the There avi’s are freakin’ hidgie, and well the video is… how can I put this…well…is it still wrong to [...]
Full StoryMy Ass Ain’t for Sale! Why? What Were You Going to Offer Me?
Is Linden Lab for Sale? Or rather, Would they sell it? Well, PR/Marketing blogger B.L. Ochman has speculated that it is just a matter of weeks before it sells. And David Fleck (who has since been forced to walk the plank on the Leaky Ship Linden) told the Times of London that LL was open [...]
Full StoryNovus Ordo Imperialis Disbands
Paramilitary organizations scramble to recruit displaced NOI soldiers. A victim suffers the cruel wrath of the once proud Novus Ordo Imperialis. Photo via Second Life Times. By Case Officer, Herald Soldier of Fortune Desk 15 months ago, SLH reporter Clarence Calliope reported on the sandbox patrols of the virtual paramilitary organization, the Alliance Navy. Five [...]
Full StoryHere Come the Virtual Tourists!
Canadian newspaper The Hamilton Spectator has a nice article about Synthravels – the virtual world vacation/tour company run by our friend Mario Gerosa (Frank Koolhaus in SL) and others. Some of you will know Mario as Editor of Mondi Virtuali (he’s also Editor in Chief of Architectural Digest, Italia). There is also some egg-headed pontification [...]
Full StoryLudlow Joins Crayonista in Group Hug Snoozecast
In one of the more nauseating examples of SL log-rolling we have seen, Philosopher Peter Ludlow joins Crayonista Joseph Jaffe on episode 64 of his “Across the Sound” podcast. Topics discussed in their highly focussed one hour discourse: IBM, Jay-Z, Pontiac, Jimmy Kimmel, Nissan, crayon, Urizenus Sklar, Second Life Herald, Mark Wallace, The Sims Online, [...]
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