Archive for 'Business'
“Ship-to-Ship” Services Now Available
The Herald staff had wanted more time to study the deep ramifications of this story, but now that Kotaku is reporting on sexual services available in EVE Online, it was clear that an editorial decision needed to be made. Kotaku reports on a chat-based cybersex service that has made its way into EVE. But if [...]
Full StoryIn Which I Happen to Invent Web 3-point-D
Perhaps because I feel for the most part that “Web 2.0” is just a fancy term for the march of Web-related progress, I don’t use the phrase all that much. But its particular rhythm has stuck in my brain, and now that we’ve begun talking about places like Second Life as part of a possible [...]
Full StoryFirst Cast of SecondCast Catches a Few FIC
SL resident Johnny Ming’s new Second Life podcast site,, went “live” today with a podcast featuring four of Second Life’s famous Feted Inner Core — including yours truly, for some reason.
Full StoryNew SL Developers Circle Develops — Residents Cry FIC
by Walker Spaight Seventeen Second Life content-creators met with Linden Lab evangelist Reuben Linden yesterday in an attempt to hash out some of the issues facing in-world developers, and to create some kind of shared resource for people who derive their income from SL activities. But when organizer Hiro Pendragon attempted to go public with [...]
Full StorySLBoutique: Going once, Going Twice, SOLD!
FlipperPA Peregrine announced today on the forums that he had sold his popular SecondLife mall-in-a-browser,, to the Electric Sheep Company. SLBouqitue was recently featured here in the Herald for being the first SecondLife shopping website to offer real life commodities such as computer hardware and software for Linden dollars. Flipper was quick to say [...]
Full StoryBlizzard: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. But Go Ahead and Call People “Fag” All You Like.
In Newsweekly ("New England’s Largest GLBT Newsletter") is running a story on an appalling new "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy on the part of Blizzard Entertainment where gay- and lesbian-friendly guilds are concerned (linked from BoingBoing the other day). Apparently, a member of a World of Warcraft guild advertising itself on the Blizzard forums as [...]
Full StoryFlipper on MTV?
Our friend Stephen Totilo of has a story on SL resident FlipperPM Peregrine’s recent attempts to sell real world stuff for Linden dollars at his SLBoutique. It even looks like he will be selling copies of Only a Game for Lindens as well. We can see how the book might sell, but the rest [...]
Full StoryAnimal Auctioning
Technical issues kept me from posting this sooner, but it wouldn’t be the Herald without a bulletin on the auction market that’s sprung up for stuff found in the Nintendo DS massively wifi-player game Animal Crossing. Thanks to a Faithful Reader for alerting us to where all things Animal Crossing can be bought and [...]
Full StoryC|Net Covers Lessig Visit
Daniel Terdiman has a story on C|Net covering the visit to Second Life of Stanford Law Professor and author of Free Culture, Lawrence Lessig. Its a great story except for the end when he sites that cranky old professor Ludlow, who has nothing good to say about anything it seems. Hamlet Linden also has been [...]
Full StoryNo Pain no Fun?
In an interesting recent post on Terra Nova, Bonnie Ruberg raises the question of the value and authenticity of BDSM scenes in a virtual space where, strictly speaking, no pain or blood or even serious power exchange are possible. Along the way she sites that classic Alphaville Herald interview with Anonymous on the BDSM scene [...]
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