Archive for July, 2004
Virtual Escort Services in Second Life

By Miravoir Psaltry(reprinted from Players, volume 4) In this article, Miravoir Psaltry takes us on a tour of some of the escort services in Second Life. For tso readers, I note that the owner of Club Elite, Big John Jade, is a tso refugee. We hope to talk to him in a future issue.
Full StoryEditorial: It?s Time for Mr-President to Resign

With recent revelations that AVG officer Chad Thomas voted up to 200 times in the AVG Presidential elections, David Pierce has filed a class action lawsuit vs. Mr. Thomas. We believe that this is a classical case of an underling taking a hit for the party that is ultimately responsible. In part one of this [...]
Full StoryDavid Pierce Files virtual Class Action Suit Against AVGs Chad Thomas
Several days ago in a post in the comments section of this blog, Chad Thomas of the Alphaville Government admitted to using proxy servers to vote over 200 times for Mr-President in the now infamous Alphaville Elections between Mr-President and Ashley Richardson. Now, David Pierce has filed what what may be the worlds first virtual [...]
Full StoryLee Linden vs. the WWIIOLers
WWIIOLer Chaunsey Crash demonstrates his Lee Linden cutout/target While the SLH is on record as not liking the politics of the WWIIOLers (World War II Onliners), we are concerned about the apparently escalating feud between Lee Linden and the WWIIOLers. Now granted the WWIIOLers have gone out of their way to tweak Lee, but suspensions [...]
Full StoryThe Erogenous Zone: SL?s Erotica Magazine

A couple days ago we introduced you to Players ? the first virtual men?s magazine, complete with nude avatar centerfolds. The Erogenous Zoneis a little different ? a virtual magazine devoted to erotica more broadly construed. Available only in game, it includes illustrated erotic stories, poetry, centerfolds (yes of avatars), and some nice info on [...]
Full StoryInterview with Cyanide Leviathan

In this interview we talk with Cyanide Leviathan, long time Jessie resident with connections to many of the groups there, including Opfor, the WWIIOLers, and the Techsols among others. We ask him a bit about his history in Jessie, his virtual methamphetamine lab, the dispute between Lee Linden and the WWIIOLers, and his current suspension.
Full StoryPlayers: The World?s First Avatar Skin Mag?

I?m not sure if these things exist elsewhere, but Players magazine in Second Life is certainly the first virtual Nudie Magazine (ahem, I mean Mens magazine) that I have seen and its also the first I?ve seen (virtual or otherwise) in which all the nudes are avatars. As far as I know it?s only available [...]
Full StoryWarning! First Sims Bank Scam returns to TSO
Thanks to Ian at the Alphaville Gazette for being right on top of this. The notorious scam operation, The First Sims Bank has returned to business on TSO. As reported earlier in The Herald, this is definitely an outfit to stay away from. Be sure to warn your friends about it.
Full StoryJason Sim on Oprah: AVG Elections were rigged!
In the latest round of charges and countercharges on the scandal that will not die but which manages to get murkier by the day, Jason Sim has taken his charges of election-rigging to the Oprah Show in Alphaville. Following is a transcript from the show, which we have received courtesy of Ian at the Alphaville [...]
Full StoryMr. President Bradley Officially Announces Departure from TSO
Noted scammer and foe of in-game governmental agencies, Mr. President Bradley, has issued a press release announcing his departure from TSO. In it, he admits (takes credit?) for hacking the accounts of Seth Galloway, Fans, Eve, and the Lead Architect clone “Lead Archetict” among others. He also claims that he has made a donation of [...]
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