Archive for February, 2007
Samwer Brothers of Germany take 10% Stake in Anshe Chung Studios

The Samwer hotties brothers The German newspaper Frankfurther Allgemeine is reporting that the Samwer brothers of Germany have acquired a 10% stake in the virtual real estate and metaverse development company Anshe Chung Studios. The Samwer brothers — Oliver, Alexander and Marc — gained their claim to fame when they started an online auction site [...]
Full StoryVox Lindeni

Francis Barraud, His Master’s Voice. By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Linden Trees Falling in the Simulated Forest And No One Hearing Them The Lindens’ announcement that they’re going to add voice to Second Life will likely be met with mixed responses. In the typical upbeat LL fashion, the Blob tells us that “many” residents wanted [...]
Full StoryEdwards Faces Edward In SL Presidential Race

Psychic John Edward supporters build HQ next to politico John Edwards HQBaku goon swing vote likely to go Edward – Edwards supporters silent by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Edward and Edwards campaigns running side by side Potential perils awaiting earnest politicians in the metaverse became real Sunday evening. Given the mainstream media’s breathless excitement [...]
Full StoryCommunity Page Message Sets New Record!

January 17th message of the day will not die by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A friend pointed out Sunday that the message of the day on the Second Life web site’s community pages warned of an upgrade coming “on January 17th”. Since then, the Herald staff have watched in wonder as the message [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: A First Look at Second Life?

Software written by kittens in a feather factory by Inigo Chamerberlin I’ve been engaged in testing the ‘First Look’ Second Life viewer since it first became publicly available and I think its development process tells us a great deal about why Second Life is so flaky. My system is fairly high spec and is capable [...]
Full StoryAmerican Idol for MMO Developers

by Onder Skall, courtesy of Second Life Games To all Second Life designers and developers looking for a chance at breaking into the gaming industry – this is it. David Perry (Earthworm Jim, Enter the Matrix) has teamed up with Acclaim for a one-of-a-kind project. They are building a new MMO with a full development [...]
Full StoryPixel Sumo Wrestling – Winter Grand Basho

by Ebenezer Pixel It happens only once a season and 26 February kicks off the Winter Pixel Sumo Grand Basho. The event is actually 3 separate events: matches East, Central, and West. A winner will be declared at each event and at the end of the 3 events a grand champion will be chosen. Over [...]
Full StoryDarkLife Robbed – Developer Blames Open Source SL

DarkLife creator robbed of $400 USD – fingers griefers as suspects by Ouchquack Stern, spastic bastard “ZING!” The sound DarkLife players yearn for is reminiscent of the muted strum of a harp in the key of “C”. The meta-game players — both the Mages with their wands, robes and pointy magic hats, and the Fighters [...]
Full StoryNew LL Orientation Islands’ Bait and Switch

Brent Linden promises cut-rate First Land – did he miss the first land discontinued memo? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Helpful exhibit explains all about the First Land you cannot buy New citizens joining the metaverse this weekend are being presented with revamped basic training on the noobie-only orientation islands. Here brave metaverse settlers [...]
Full StoryGovernor Linden Turns Her Back on Us

By Prokofy Neva, Missing Lindens Desk. The Governor is gone…. : (
Full Story
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