Archive for May, 2007
“Unconscionable!” Court Blasts Linden Terms of Service, Holds that Philip can be target in Bragg Lawsuit.
Yesterday the US District Court for the District of Pennsylvania ruled on two motions by Linden Lab in the case of Bragg vs. Linden Research. One motion had to do with removing Philip Linden as a target of Bragg’s lawsuit. The second issue had to do with Linden Lab’s terms of service, which says that [...]
Full StoryWindLight Skies – They PAID For This?
LL’s rose colored glasses and color perception by Inigo Chamerberlin So, the WindLight First Look arrives, with the usual breathless Torley Linden intro. And of course, the now standard Linden chant of ‘Jir AH! – Jir AH! – Jir AH!’. But to the point – WindLight. Linden Lab PAID for this? In fact they were [...]
Full StorySpaight-Television Nuptials

By Prokofy Neva, Community Affairs Desk Walker and Destroy swept away on the highlands of Caledon. Walker Spaight/Mark Wallace, son of Mr. Wallace, of Louise, Second Life was married yesterday evening to Destroy Television, daughter of Christian Prior and SnoopyBROWN Zamboni of Sheep Island, and Annie Ok, of New York City. bushing Spatula, of libsecondlife [...]
Full StoryVancouver Cops Recruit In-World

Some residents concerned that BC bud may be to blame by Bayesian TextBot The Vancouver Sun reports plans by the Vancouver Police Department to begin recruiting new officers from inside Second Life. The thought behind this “sci-fi approach to recruitment” (sic!) is that no matter who they run into, that person must be web-savvy to [...]
Full StoryMissing Lindens: Where’s Cheerful $Larry?

By Prokofy Neva, Kremlindenologist, Reporting Live From the Sea of Omidyar Once again, I take up my lonely vigil on the unforgiving, rocky shores of the Sea of Omidyar, gazing out at the endless synthetic blue horizon now lit by that watery new MIT college start-up sun, with the chill in my soul echoing the [...]
Full StoryMitch Kapor’s Level Playing Field

Philanthropy and Recursive Reality at Sheep Island by Carl Metropolitan MitchK Linden, avatar of Mitch Kapor–philanthropist, Lotus Development founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder, Linden Lab Board Chairman, and Man with Resume You Would Kill For–made a rare appearance in Second Life Thursday night. Kapor headlined a mixed reality event promoting his Level Playing Field Institute [...]
Full StoryLeaving SL
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate I’ve heard it time and time before,“I’m leaving SL, this time for sure”And when he logs in the very next dayHe says that he’s there only to say Goodbye to all he missed beforeAnd he left some things there on the floorAnd oh, there’s some business to settle firstI’ll be [...]
Full StoryHerald Editorial Director to Wed Sheepish Virtual Videographer?

by Pat the Rat Just what does he propose? Walker Spaight and Destroy Television? You heard it here first, boys and girls. Pat the Rat was lurking in the cathedral in the Big Easy, expiating some sins — and you know Pat has a lot of sins to atone for — when who should wander [...]
Full StoryFox Making Movie from EA’s Sims Game
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Peter Gilstrap reports in Variety that 20th Century Fox is planning to make a a live-action movie of The Sims, after purchasing the feature rights from Electronic Arts. The script is still being written, and the talent is presently unnamed, but there are some clues in a quote from [...]
Full StoryW-Hat Celebrates 3rd Year in SL

Punk rock and memorials to perma-banned griefersDecomposing Monstre banned & reinstated without explanation the next week by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk I was recently in Baku hoping for a two-for-one story – one group of goons griefing another group’s event. While waiting to see if the Patriotic Nigras or another of the up-and coming [...]
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