Archive for June, 2007
‘Virtual Land’

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Virtual Estate If you own land in Second Life, hug it a little closer tonight. Its valuation — its very *reality* as a virtual thingie — is open to question — it may be (or always was) merely a kind of service you rent, server space for your content, from [...]
Full StoryThe Dawn Of The New Media

“We Are The Strange” is going to become a part of the Creative Commons. Remix at will. by Onder Skall, New Media Journalist [this review arrived at the Herald offices a few minutes ago - written on a used notecard shipped inside a plywood cube. Audrey in typesetting has been reminding everyone that union rules [...]
Full StorySuperman Talks Down the Goons

By peppermint fizz, Virtual Convention desk Mutually assured ban lists improve metaverse – Superman One of the best parts of working for the Herald, above and beyond the office staff meetings and the fact I feel tall next to Pix, smart next to Jimbo, and quiet next to Prok, is the fact that part of [...]
Full StoryPerphides Capalini – Post 6 Grrrrl

[Perphides Capalini makes her Post 6 debut tonight - and what a great way to end the week! As always, Marilyn Murphy, photographer, philosopher, and publisher of Players, Second Life's in-world erotica magazine has found a way to lighten the mood. Enjoy the weekend! - the Editrix] My first exposure to SecondLife was through a [...]
Full StoryNo Life-Logging Please, We’re Second Lifers

By Prokofy Neva, Harry Bridges Memorial Dept., Smith Act, Inc. You know how when you go to play a game, this TOS drops down in front of you? You know, the screen that says “I agree” or “I disagree” in Second Life — the rules that you must obey or you can’t enter the world. [...]
Full StoryMetaverse Shocker – “Worldwide Virtual Anti-Fur Protest”

More anti-furry discrimination on the way? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Worldwide protest against Second Life furs? Last week’s /b/ furry death camp could have been only the start of widespread discrimination against one class of metaverse citizens – anthropomorphic cats, dogs, foxes, squirrels, and others known in-world as furs. In a press release [...]
Full StoryIf You’re Going to San Francisco…

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Hippy Dippy Trippy Tips on Trips You might be stuck on your laggy sim, with thousands of inventory items missing or inaccessible, with group IMs frozen, and your build mysteriously destroyed — or out in negative space or up in the air 2500 m2, something that the new wonky, scratchy [...]
Full StoryAlliance Navy Base Becomes Furry Death Camp

Half ur base r belong 2 usMercz and /b/ form alliance to take over Alliance Navy’s Emit Time base/b/’s short lived Fursecution concentration camp by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk & Ace Graveling, War Correspondent Arbeit Macht Fur June 20 was a bad day for the Alliance Navy of Second Life. Behind on land tier [...]
Full StorySecond Life Female Boxers Outnumber Men 2:1

SLB Crowns New Champions and Other Things You Didn’t Know by Jimbo Quality, Military Travel Desk Deputy Officer Punching through the lag Saturday night I was just about to plant my ass in a nice camping chair over at Parrothead Gamers (ParrotHead Cove 128, 128, 27) when someone IM’d me and asked if any of [...]
Full StorySL 4th Birthday Celebration – Nobody Does It Better!

Philip Linden locked out, Pools Closed, and other marketing best practices by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Video Linden shouts: Philip can’t get back inMorgaine Dinova shouts: Look at it from the point of view of all the people trying to join the party but stuck outside: the griefing is the only party enjoyment they [...]
Full Story
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