Archive for August, 2007
Pardus Salome – Post 6 Grrrrrl

[Note from Justine Babii- I was at the Style Asia Fashion Show the other day and when I took the opportunity to scan the crowd I spotted Pardus in the front row. She's a fan of fashion and I am so pleased that she was willing to pose for us this week! Her avatar's beauty [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Linden Lab’s Weasel Worded Quasi-Assurances

Concierge customers: boycott Linden Lab’s ‘test’ of the Age Verification system by Inigo Chamerberlin Linden Lab and Aristotle’s Integrity – trustworthy Earlier today I received an eMail from Linden Lab – the text is reproduced below the fold. After reading the eMail all I could say was – excuse me? Am I missing something here? [...]
Full StoryGorean Radio in SL: Beyond AM, FM, and XM, there is BDSM

Community Radio Even a Kajira Could Luff by Urizenus Sklar, Media Mogul/Critic As the Second Life mediascape continues to diversify, a number of in-world radio stations have emerged. Of course such radio stations have been familiar to us at least since the days of The Sims Online, where there were a number of radio stations, [...]
Full StorySLCC Participants Impress Bears Fans and National Media

Herald tabloid sensationalism shamed by Linden church-picnic — SL family values rule, OK? by Urizenus Sklar, media critic Stung by recent media claims that Second Life is all about ageplay, gambling, gorean slavery, sex furniture, bdsm arms merchants, yiffing furries, vampires, vore, and gynophagia, Second Lifers struck upon an ingenious solution to the problem: Have [...]
Full StoryOur Heros Are Dead
Content creators feel the pain — Electric Sheep Cory Edo’s SL lockouts & Enktan Gully’s 2+ months without DMCA satisfaction by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista As many of you know, I tend to ride the fence on issues regarding Linden Labs. Recent events between residents and Lindens have begun to change my mind; I am [...]
Full StoryNoobie to SLebrity in No Time!

3 super-secret tips for finding a job, better lovers, and fabulous dick-free fun to get your SL bangin’!!! by Aaliyah Munro, professional sex/love/advice expert New residents. They ask a million questions, look like science fair rejects, and their typical conversations usually end in offers for sex. Some may say that these pesky guests are vital [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Second Life Ethics

Gambling, sex, gender-bending, financial fraud: does real life morality apply in SL? by Victorria Paine A recurring theme in debates between SL’s denizens about any number of the “hot topics” that divide the community (gambling, sex, gender-bending, financial fraud, you name it) is a fundamental disagreement about what “rules” should apply to any of these [...]
Full StoryPixel Sumo Summer Grand Basho

Avatar Sumo Wrestling at its finest! by Ebenezer Pixel Pixel Sumo is having it’s Summer Grand Basho on Monday, 27 August at 6 am, 2 pm and 8 pm at Artificial Isle (174, 89, 26). The basho is three events spread over one day to allow maximum participation by SL citizens around the world. This [...]
Full StorySabotage in Badnarik Sim – Avalanche!!!

Badnarik sim pwned! Who is to blame for man-made disaster? Merczateer officers? South South African security staff? by Ace Graveling – war correspondent Searching for survivors of the Badnarik avalanche I stood upon the frozen ground and surveyed the landscape, my trusty photographer Llama Mike at my side. I had been assigned to cover this [...]
Full StoryCelebrity Trollop – Post 6 Grrrl

[Note from Justine- This week it is with great pleasure I bring you one of the great fashionistas of Second Life, Celebrity Trollop. Celebrity is the owner and publisher of Second Style Magazine and Second Style Fashionista Blog, two of the most widely read publications in Second Life - that also makes her my boss, [...]
Full Story
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