Archive for May, 2009
Stroker Serpentine Slams Linden Lab for Sexbed Blacklist
We almost never blacklist by Asset-ID, It's dangerous — Data Linden by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A single Linden Lab staffer working after the Lab’s California-based offices closed may have been responsible for the Second Life sexbed breakdown that rendered thousands of residents’ avatar animations temporarily impotent - a romantic disaster for some, and [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Prokofy the Communist?

Diversionary tactics nurture collectivism by Matt Cvetic Recently introduced to the celebrity Prokofy Neva's blog, a great curiosity arose in me. For the uninitiated, Prokofy is a prolific and controversial Second Life blogger. Her contribution to the public discourse is to claim anyone and everyone who captures her notice is a communist, a collectivist, a [...]
Full StoryStrokerz Second Life SexToys Broken

Frustrated cheerleader shoots Data Linden — Lab blacklist blamed as thousands seek repairs for nerfed sexbeds by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In mid-april, thousands of residents of Second Life discovered the avatar animations in their virtual sex beds were non-functional – a disaster of epic proportions for players interested in working through the Kama [...]
Full StoryA Herald Fashionista’s Advice for New Media Journalists

by Tenshi Vielle – Fabuous Fashionista If you're a Herald reporter – or just wish you were – it is very important to carry a sense of theHerald's special style about you, in your attitude, your writing, and in the clothes you wear. As any of the Herald reporters can tell you, choosing clothing frommost [...]
Full StoryMatti Rau — Post 6 Guy

[I was out looking for a club, youknow the ones that land you in East Narnia and make you walk throughthe whole sim to get to the club? Anyhow, on my walk to the club Ispotted Matti Rau, decided I wanted to get to know him a little betterand here he is as a Post [...]
Full StoryEvent Review: Richard Bartle Q&A in Metaplace
by Suzie Skybeam Dr. Richard Bartle held an hour and half Q&A session for a packed audience in the MetaGlobe Theatre yesterday, covering diverse MMO-related topics, from government taxation of VW transactions, through "What have current MMO's lost that MUD's had?" to the perennial favorite, "How do you get a job in the gaming industry?" [...]
Full StoryMy Development as a Woman in SL

by Evelyn Ponnier My development as a girl in SL is one that is somewhat unique, I suppose. You see, I haven't always been a girl. My name SL 'Evelyn' was chosen as a pun for my RL name 'Adam'. I did not want to be called 'Eve' because I thought that if anyone realised [...]
Full StoryUnderground in Gor: A Man Needs a Maid!

The Wanderer's Underground in Gor series outsourced to a contractor by Pappus Enochus, High Blutarch o' Bugtusslistan Well, it are nigh unto Memorable Day an' the Wanderin' Feller in Gor dun telled Miz Pixeleen he needed the day off tu go play with sum Panther Gals. But for me, no rest fo' the wicked! [...]
Full StoryRichard Bartle To Visit Metaplace May 26

by Idoru Wellman, staff writer The celebrities just can't seem to get enough of Metaplace – the Herald's off the hook party last friday night was just the beginning. MMO pioneer, game guru, and virtual world designer Richard Bartle will be paying a visit to Metaplace Central Tuesday May 26 at 12 noon PDT. If [...]
Full StorySecond Life Grid Support Outsourced to ComSys?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A new clan sharing the Comsys brand last name have joined the pantheon of game gods. I personally witnessed a divine double sighting in Second Life earlier this evening. Based on both job postings and avatar profiles, it appears that Comsys is taking over first tier support from Linden [...]
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