Archive for July, 2009
Is China Blocking Student Second Life Access?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Why Ning Listern can’t log into Second Life is a mystery – but some suspect selective filters are being applied to student Second Life access in China. According to a post on the Linden Lab RegAPI mailing list, Ning’s account is one of several created by Hongjun, a RegApi [...]
Full StoryFarmers Furious – Sion Chicken Updater Breaks Good Eggs!

Zaius says no to demands for damaged egg refundsby Hayseed Econobot, Agricultural Affairs desk Sion Zaius has admitting that a botched update intended to remove lag-tastic versions of sion Chicken eggs actually deleted any eggs placed in the “ proteggtors”- including the newest non-laggy chicken eggs. The unintentional egg breakage shocked a struggling chicken farming [...]
Full StoryLonely Hyena Seeks Second Life Soul Mate

Will Erk Gloom find true love in the metaverse with a Herald personal ad?by Pixeleen Mistral, Matchmaking Affairs Desk Single hyena loves romantic walks and cuddling in the den – looking for a special someone who is open-minded, not easily offended. Hoping for SL companionship — maybe more. Seeking M/F/Bi/Fur professional career-oriented hyena who shares [...]
Full StoryCatfights – Clawed, Humiliated, Insulted!!!

Save our pussies by Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, Second Life League of Decency The release of that dog-fighting felon Michael Vick had me thinking, “what if evil scoundrels are torturing animals in Second Life?” Why not? All other forms of perversion are rampant in that online cesspool. Using the advanced and flawless search-engine technology [...]
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser — part 6

UFOs, aliens in shocking battle against Second Life intellectual property theft by Coke Supply [PROTIP: there is a secret message on Coke's collar - click on each image below for a full-sized view of the comics. New readers may want to start with the previous episodes - the Editrix]
Full StoryEmily Fields — Post 6 Grrrl

[Post 6 is an attempt to present some of the incredible variety of avatars that people create to represent themselves in the virtual world. With such a huge range of genders, races and species, Second Life is an especially rich environment for finding avatars that represent whole segments of populations. Emily Fields contacted me about [...]
Full StorySex and the Second Life City: A Dead End

Reporter captured, humiliated — urban roleplay sim coverage continues by Millennium Sands It is night when the bus with our reporter comes to a halt. Stepping out on the street, she smells the stink of diesel fumes, stale cigarette smoke, and something else even less pleasant. As the bus pulls away, she realizes that she [...]
Full StoryEx-Copybot Merchant Ignores BuilderBot Threat – Says Piracy Will Continue

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Reformed Copybot reseller Nimrod Yaffle shrugged off the BuilderBotthreat to the in-world L$ spacebux economy and promised to continueselling his own pirate creations – flintlocks, bandanas and leatherbaldrics. The vote of confidence was in sharp contrast to the whingingcontent creators that swarmed RightAsRain Rimbaud’s blog monday, afterthe publicity-starved Rezzable [...]
Full StoryLusty Millions — Post 6 Grrrl

[It is an honor to introduce to you what I hope will be an occasional and popular treat for Post 6- the "where are they now" feature. Lusty Millions, a Post 6 Alum from 2005, contacted me with the idea of posing again and I jumped at the chance to work with a Post 6 [...]
Full StoryDead Pop Stars, 9/11 Terrorist IDs — Second Life Adult Verification?

Mohamed Atta enjoys 72 virgins in cyber heaven as players sidestep ID checks, visit sex clubs by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Second Life’s age verification process may have some serious gaps, if reports of players age-verifying using the identities of Elvis Presley, Tupac Shakur, and 9/11 terrorist Mohamed Atta are true. Recently, the Linden [...]
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