Archive for 'Business'

EXTRA EXTRA, OMFG! Stratics Thought Police decree that links to sites that link to The Second Life Herald violate Stratics ROC!!!

Those wacky little thought police at Stratics have done it again! Dyerbrook was recently charged with a violation of the Stratics Rules of Conduct (ROC), because in his profile he has a link to his ?Sims Out of Line? page, which in turn has a link the Second Life/Alphaville Herald. Never mind that Dyerbrook (a [...]

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To the Editor: Top Simolean Dealer Delivers Low Blows

In reference to the story in the Second Life Herald about Mick?s Online Game Bucks site evaluating other simolean dealers. Mick?s decision to judge his competition is a low thing to do. I could understamd if he was maybe just listing the competition, but rating them (claiming he used them under an anonymous name when [...]

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Second LIFE Magazine tops 1K in-world circulation

In an important event for in-MMORPG publishers, the second issue of the free monthly publication, Second LIFE Magazine, topped a circulation of 1000 (figures based on copies taken from distribution stands throughout Second Life). With over 65 auto-updating distribution stands throughout the game, Editor Lorelei Patel believes that circulation could top 2000 for issue 3. [...]

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Fists of Ham part II: The Lindens

So last night I was taking a newbie friend shopping in SL, and even dropped 1K Lindens on a nice new buff skin for my avi, when some idiot that I did not know started firing off a bump gun. Well fine, lots of noise and smoke, but no push effect, so no harm to [...]

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Fists of Ham! Starring SOE

Looks like a protest movement broke out in SWG, over the following. Some players found a way to dupe credits, and then began tipping heavily with them. Rather than do the sane thing and ban the dupers, Sony Online Entertainment banned everyone who received the duped creds (even if unknowingly). Confusing charges about SOE attempting [...]

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Francis Chung: Hugs and Guns

Kudos to Hamlet Linden over on New World Notes, for his two part story on the legendary SL scripter, Francis Chung, who not only has made the best guns in SL (the Seburo Compact-Exploder) but now has made the best hugging animation too! Erm, as you all know, I?m not down with hugging, but I?ve [...]

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Gavel Falls on Jessie Land Auctions: Land goes for gazzilions!

The auctioning of land confiscated from the permanently banned WWIIOLFalconBK Hanks is complete, and pretty clearly Falcon lost some serious assets. The plots sold in US dollars went for a total of $324 US. The plots sold in Lindens went for a total of L 27,149 ? equivalent to $152 US at current GOM strike [...]

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Sir/Ian leaves TSO

Sir may only be 16 in r/l, but he has cast a long shadow over events in alphaville over the past year. He has been a simolean dealer, a temporary accounts broker, and a dealer of cannons and other rares. He was the PR officer for the Alphaville Government during the elections, a past reporter [...]

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Jeff Brown Spouts off again! You gamers are wasting your time.

EA’s Vice President for Corporate Communications, addressing the Edinburgh International Games Festival Well, Mr. Uber-foot-in-mouth has outdone himself. This time, EA’s Vice President for Corporate Communications Jeff Brown popped off at a gamers conference in Scottland, saying that gamers would be better off going out and mowing the lawn than … did he say play [...]

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Interview: Cory Linden on IP issues in Second Life

Our legal editor Candace (a.k.a. Kale, a.k.a. Arboriasha Westerburg) has been exercised for some time about potential intellectual property entanglements arising in Second Life. Isn?t there an issue about downloading those Penthouse centerfolds as artwork for your club? And what about that music you?re pumping in? And given that your club is a revenue generator, [...]

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