Avatar of the Year 2007 – 3rd Place: Tizzers Foxchase

by Alphaville Herald on 19/01/08 at 7:34 pm

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

Tizzers Foxchase – before the perma-ban

With the hustle and bustle of the year-end holidays well behind us, and memories of the Herald editors’ lavish Zermatt skiing vacation fading, it is time to clean up the last few loose ends from 2007 – the avatar of the year awards. Once again, the Herald editorial board is entrusted with a sacred responsibility — naming the three avatars who most changed the news and the metaverse for better – or for worse.

For 2006, third place went to Mr. Mark Barrett for his contributions to dystopian surreptitious citizen surveillance systems. This year, Tizzers Foxchase is awarded third place for outstanding achievement in a number of fields, including her educational work in the Woodbury University sim, her part in converting an Alliance Navy base into a furry death camp, her appearance as a Post 6 Grrrl in the pages of the Herald, and her ongoing critiques of the serious business that “anti-griefers” such as Justice League Unlimited have undertaken.

Unfortunately, 2007 was a difficult year for Ms. Foxchase. While early accounts of Woodbury sim praised its educational mission, the Woodbury University group in SL was eventually targeted by some members of SL society for harboring less than desirable elements, and Linden Lab ultimately resorted to deleting the entire sim – a sobering reminder of the limits of educational activities in the metaverse. Observers speculate that the sim’s removal from “your world, your imagination” was prompted by a combination of PN griefer attacks on the sim and an organized Justice League Unlimited abuse reporting campaign. It is also probably safe to assume that Prokofy Neva put in a few words with his super-friend Robin Linden.

Despite the deletion of the Woodbury sim, Tizzers maintained an upbeat attitude, and even enjoyed a brief metaverse marriage to Hazim Gazov – including a honeymoon celebration in one of Prokofy Neva’s rental love nests. The honeymoon ended abruptly however, as the virtual land rental agent turfed out the lovebirds as undesirable tenants.

Throughout the year, a certain style has marked Tizzers’ path through the metaverse, as she won the goon and griefer swimsuit competition in 2007, and with it the right to appear as a Post 6 Grrrl in the Herald — along with the hearts of untold numbers of /b/tards.

Tizzers goes real life trick or treating in costume as Suiseiseki (aka desu desu desu)

More recently, Tizzers’ RL typist went trick or treating at JLU leader Kalel Venkman’s house on halloween. Unfortunately, this event resulted in a two week ban which then precipitated a perma-ban from Second Life for “disclosure”. Despite a written appeal to Linden Lab, the perma-ban has been upheld – reportedly because Cyn Linden overruled Michael Linden.

Even after the perma-ban, Tizzers’ has been an active contributor to the Banlink parcel ban system used by a number of in-world landlords – recently banning Kalel Venkman – perhaps in retaliation for Venkman’s role in her troubles. While Tizzers Foxchase may no longer grace the metaverse, she certainly changed the world in 2007.

dueling banlinks – click image for large version

70 Responses to “Avatar of the Year 2007 – 3rd Place: Tizzers Foxchase”

  1. Anonymous

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Hooray 3rd place for Tizzers :3!

  2. IntLibber Brautigan

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Congratulations Tizzers! Dont feel bad about the permb&, SL is dying, LL has become AOL. Central Grid is here, long live Central Grid.

  3. JLU fiddles kiddies

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Let’s hope they keep the ban on Kalel up. Damn tard doesn’t deserve to run free in SL.

  4. Jabber39

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Fuck yeah Seaking!

    “You may be able to kill the physical establishment but you can never kill a mindset. Ideas are bulletproof.” but are they choppaman cube push-bullet proof?

    also, Tizzers, Tits or GTFO. your post 6 slllllluutttttt feature was sadly lacking in super-sexy pixel tits.

  5. Anonymous

    Jan 19th, 2008

    everyone’s seen her tits.

    If you haven’t, you’re new.

  6. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Uh, my “super friend” Robin Linden? If she’s such a super friend, why hasn’t she even answered my many emails about the griefing spoof avatars with my RL name, and other issues? I don’t recall ever talking to her about Tizzers, because she doesn’t respond to abuse reports.

    I sent them all to the regular system. There, they were read by Michael Linden, who laughed at them, because he’s in on it. But with enough other people suffering, finally Cyn was forced to override the cynical nihilists of the G-team. In those last few weeks, I don’t recall hearing from, or abuse-reporting, Tizzers at all, so it must have been the others. BTW, all she did was make another alt, Tizzers Camel, and come back, so much for that permaban.

    As for any love nest, it’s quite possible Tizzers and Hazim are the same person. And they weren’t on a honeymoon, they were on a griefing expedition.

    Gosh, the Herald has gone downhill since 2005, when I was Avatar of the Year.

  7. Witness 24

    Jan 19th, 2008

    Grats, Tizzers. It’s not the same on the grid without you.

    “Despite a written appeal to Linden Lab, the perma-ban has been upheld – reportedly because Cyn Linden overruled Michael Linden.”

    I seriously doubt a Linden would divulge such information to anyone other than a Linden, so I’m calling speculation on the part of the author.

  8. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 19th, 2008


    “Tizzers Camel” Is not an alt of Tizzers Foxchase. I have seen the account in question, and I conclude that it belongs to either another /b/tard, W-hatter, or a PN.

    Also, that picture of her haloween costume…

    I think I have a new fetish now.

  9. A-Non-E-Moose

    Jan 19th, 2008

    What a pathetic rag the Herald is. Another story repleate with editorial opinion and pointed mis-information designed to create drama. You guys owned by griefers these days? What a piece of tabloid trash this is. Shame on you. I await the day when the ownership and staff of the Herald are banned from the SL metaverse just like they were from the last metaverse they manufactured drama for.

  10. Why Bother

    Jan 19th, 2008

    So continues the Herald’s milking of the following things with their past few recent articles: Tizzers, PN, /b/tards/Anonymous/, JLU, Kalel Venkman, and any and all things linked to any of those things/persons.

    I find it quite odd that the Herald seems to be pushing Tizzers “e-fame” so much. Again, they’re just milking him for all he’s worth. I guess they suppose the flood of comments useless dribble that follows in the comments is worth it (hooray for Ad Block on Firefox)

    All the Herald has done lately is milk the same old tired stories and articles again and again, for the past year. This is all they can do now since they have nothing else and SL seems to be tanking (SL’s final death blow will come when Google unveils whatever virtual world/internet they have up their sleeves).

    This signals the beginning of the end of the Second Life Herald my friends. Pixeleen no longer has an original thought in her brain, or any of the other staff on the Herald. They’ll recycle the same things over and over until the stories, topics, and persons of interest they keep milking are digital dust.

  11. Greefin Oh

    Jan 20th, 2008

    Damn it! I knew she was a guy all along. Great, I even gave my E-virginity to her.

    On a serious note, no one knows her alts, except a very select few (myself being one). So you’re all wrong.

    And wtf is up with this site? All the time GRIEFERS GRIFFERS< GWEEFAS, whatever. Boring.. “Avatar of the Year 2007″ lol.

    I’ll tell you what herald, I’ll make an effort in 2008 to try and make that list, so I too can become an SLebrity. Who do I sleep with first to get on the list?

  12. Anonymous

    Jan 20th, 2008

    >>Alxy sayz:
    “Also, that picture of her haloween costume…

    I think I have a new fetish now.”

    O, so you like guys who dress in drag? That explains so much now.

  13. Tenshi Vielle

    Jan 20th, 2008

    Is there ever a time that the Herald runs a story and its commenters don’t whine and scream about how horribly trashy it is, how they’ll never NEVER NEVER READ AGAIN OMG, etc etc? Rather boring.

    I’m surprised to see ol’ Proky is still kicking, though.

  14. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 20th, 2008

    No one needs to manufacture drama on SL A-Non_E-Moos. Bleating pompous blowhards like you come readymade with it.

  15. FrizzleFry101

    Jan 20th, 2008

    A-Non-E-Moose has a crush on the nigras.

  16. anon

    Jan 20th, 2008

    Mention her name and she appears! Admit it, Prok, you have a special “Prokofy Neva” search filter set up on Google so you always know who’s talking about you and come swooping in to argue, even when it doesn’t involve you.

  17. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 20th, 2008


    Drama sells, buddy.

  18. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 20th, 2008

    “More recently, Tizzers’ RL typist went trick or treating at JLU leader Kalel Venkman’s house on halloween. Unfortunately, this event resulted in a two week ban which then precipitated a perma-ban from Second Life for ‘disclosure’. ”

    Tizzers was well known to the Lindens and was perma-banned after Halloween, but argued it away and returned to SL. Instead of maintaining a low profile, Tizzers continued to engage in disclosure, and was finally caught on January 1 revealing the contents of an IM from one SL resident to a different resident within Second Life. This is Disclosure as defined in the Community Standards. The Lindens had the account flagged for action, apparently, and when they saw this last disclosure they dropped the banhammer on Tizzers. Kalel didn’t have anything to do with the AR that resulted in the final permaban.

    Regular SL residents keep a low profile and don’t engage in actions that could possibly be construed to violate the ToS or CS…if they’re smart. Someone teetering on the razor’s edge of a permaban would be even more cautious…if they were smart. In this case it seems almost like there was a death wish involved, or an attempt to see how far the Lindens could be pushed before they pushed back. And now we know the answer.

  19. lolwut

    Jan 20th, 2008

    Tizzers is a tranny irl?


  20. Anonymous

    Jan 20th, 2008

    uhh, the SL herald has always been a tabloid.

    read the tagline.

    also, the info about the lindens is known because of group a conference

  21. Anonymous

    Jan 20th, 2008

    I’d like the point out:

    the “disclosure” on Jan 1st was in the region “.”
    dated sometime in june 2006.

    Tizzers Foxchase was “born” in November 2006, excelsior. Is that your favorite bedtime fairy tale to read to your e-kids or what?

    I love how you and the rest of the JLU have started a smear and disinformation campaign in any article that mentions WU or tizzers or griefing. You know, the same thing you accuse everything else of.

    New rule: when a JLU calls someone out for something horrible, it’s really what they’re doing.

  22. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 20th, 2008

    “O, so you like guys who dress in drag? That explains so much now.”

    I’m not dressed as Bridget for nothing you know.

    Besides, everybodys gay for Tizzers.

  23. Corona

    Jan 20th, 2008

    While having the lLindens impose short term penalties is reasonable
    should not something as final as perma-ban – the equivalent of capital punishement in SL terms
    at least be subject to the equivalent of a jury trial or at the very least some form of proper legal process?

  24. Why Bother

    Jan 21st, 2008

    I saw this written by Cocoanut Koala it hits the nail on the head when it comes to Channers/PN:

    “OK, and herein lies the logical flaw of those who grief in order to prevent others from “taking the Internet too seriously,” and who therefore claim themselves not only superior, but actually to be performing a sort of societal service.

    They aren’t doing it to teach people not to “take the Internet too seriously,” and – no one assigned them that job.

    They are doing it because the Internet is the only place where they can get away with being (paper) hooligans.

    Imagine a bowling alley filled with people. Now here come these guys, throwing bricks onto the lanes, turning the lights on and off, etc., claiming they are just preventing anyone from “taking bowling too seriously.”

    I imagine all the people who are bowling would get pretty peeved, not to mention the bowling alley owners.

    And if some of the bowlers became frustrated enough to cry, these guys would laugh at them and say they were obviously “taking bowling too seriously.”

    Or transfer the scenario anywhere. To the movie theaters, to teach the patrons not to take their movies “too seriously.” Or running rampant through a restaurant, upending tables and throwing food, to teach people not to take eating out “too seriously.”

    I’d like to see them try that. But these guys wouldn’t do these things, because they ARE only paper hooligans, without even the balls of proper hooligans to do their crimes in the real world, where they would likely find their helpless little flabby cowardly selves tossed in the slammer, but only AFTER the bowling alley patrons got through with them.

    This little meme they have going about “teaching people not to take the Internet too seriously” is simply a bit of nonsense that one of them thought up ages ago, and the rest thought sounded good.


  25. Witness X

    Jan 21st, 2008

    Your bowling alley brick analogy is flawed, Kalel. Second Life is the equivalent of a virtual theme park, except some of the visitors (such as yourself) actually believe that they are the characters. The PN is there to remind you that you are still Gene Turnbow, failed programmer and wannabe 3D artist. Rhythm and Hughes didn’t even know where to place you so they had to create a special job because you’re not especially good at anything. I’m sure Lee Berger and friends would absolutely love to hear about your extracurricular activities outside of the studio.

  26. Lord Of Placenta

    Jan 21st, 2008

    @Why Bother

    The hole in that logic is that you only assume they wouldn’t do it in real life, and by assuming that out of nowhere you’re basically letting your butthurt show, feeding trolls more.

    Because, you see, the “omg you’re making fun of me you must be pathetic” defence doesn’t work on the trolls, because they’re just fucking around, while you’re taking a game as seriously as you do in real life, even your comparison just there involved real life. Therefore when you use the “omg you’re making fun of me you must be pathetic”, it only comes off as irony.

  27. Travis Lambert

    Jan 21st, 2008

    Just to put the screen shot in perspective:

    Not all BanLink subscribers carry equal weight with their bans. Just because Kalel (or anyone else) gets ‘BanLinked’ doesn’t mean they’re banned everywhere. Its all a matter of whether the issuing party is considered ‘trustworthy’ within the system or not. Anyone who chooses to blindly trust all other subscribers on the list is making a big mistake.

    Contrary to what it looks like, there is order within the chaos ;)

    How widely honored a ban gets is a direct result of how many other subscribers choose to trust them. If the majority of folks feel Kalel’s ban is justified, expect the ‘trust count’ of the people issuing these bans to stay the same or go up. Likewise, if the majority of folks view it as unjustified, ‘trust counts’ will go down. This is why reasonably-filed disputes are so important: they give another side to bans that are inherently one-sided.

    Many folks have asked Mera & I why we dont moderate bans within BanLink. Our answer is: The system was specifically designed such that we dont have to, because playing judge or jury on any matter isn’t power we think we should have. The community of subscribers polices itself, and they ‘vote’ with their trusts. The fact that all the various players within this particular drama can continue to coexist within the same system is testament to that :)

  28. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 21st, 2008

    Hi Travis.

    Am I right in thinking that there are more entries on banlink relating to me than anyone else?

  29. Travis Lambert

    Jan 21st, 2008

    hehe – no doubt, man :D Looks like your disputes worked at least :)

    And, you got how it works I think. Disputes aren’t meant to change the mind of the location that banned you – its assumed that by the time you get that far with it, they’re unwilling to listen anyway. Disputes are meant for everyone else reading the ban, to help them decide whether its worth honoring or not.

    Anyone can lookup their own info – just go here: http://www.slbanlink.com , and follow the instructions on the left-hand side.

  30. corona

    Jan 21st, 2008

    The hole in that logic is that you only assume they wouldn’t do it in real life,


    it is either true or they are the sort of sad losers who gun down fellow students in american schools

    even your comparison just there involved real life.??

    a comparison with real life used real life for comparison ?
    whats your point exactly

    regardless whether its real life or second life, you would have to be a fairly pathetic nobody
    if the only amusement you get in life lies in trying to spoil something for others

    their specious arguement is that people should get out and do real life stuff more

    and what if they cant for reasons such as being in a wheelchair for example?

    the comparison is valid

    so what if they would do such things as described in RL
    would that excuse their immature behaviour?

  31. Lord Of Placenta

    Jan 21st, 2008


    You’re using the “omg you’re making fun of me you must be pathetic” defence again, you’re falling right into my hands, basically.

    A real life comparison would be kids in a high school, beating some smaller kid who wears a fake tail to school, kids spitting on someone infront of them in a movie theatre, ect. Allot of this is done by the same people. Assuming they were pathetic simply because they pick on you, is just being blatantly butthurt, and they win.

    Would you consider yiffing and fursuits, basically trying to not be a human, immature behaviour? Sure, picking on these kinds of freaks doesn’t give trolls the moral high ground, but then again, how could some degenerate fetishist (furries, goreans, roleplay rape, the people trolls feed on) possibly dictate morality? These trolls picked the best victims possible.

  32. IntLibber Brautigan

    Jan 21st, 2008

    I would like to inform everybody of the facts about the late Tizzers Foxchase:

    Tizzers became an agent for Ng Security while still the Woodbury Admin, after the JLU demanded too much control over activities on campus and she told them to blow off. She gave me membership in the WU group in the “WU Secret Service”, which allowed me and other Ng staff to monitor WU group chat, and AR anybody who joined the group with the intent of promoting griefing activities. Tizzers did likewise while at the same time chatting up with the PN like a normal /b/tard.

    Bringing in Prokofy to have her normal hypochondriacal reaction about leninist conspiracies (See Herald article “Griefer U”) helped to draw in more would be griefers to get zapped.

    This also gave us an ability to communicate better with the /b/tard community both so they could get to know me as a person and not some anonymous land baron, and at the same time gave us greater insight into the culture of /b/. Quite a number of /b/tards who would otherwise have gone to PN, or had become PN, then became agents for Ng Security.

    Why did we engage in this sort of cloak and dagger, psyop type activity? We really had no choice. Linden Lab refused to implement ANY of the security features we’d been proposing for many months, and the JLU and Angel Fluffy hoarded their intel to establish their dominance in SL’s security community. This sort of monopoly was maintained by Angel and Kalel’s agents outing those we had tried to infiltrate, for instance. The JLU also was involved in the mass ARing and account hacking of AlexanderJohn Hermans, a RL military veteran who founded AirCav, which was developing a very good reputation with the Lindens in helping to police the sandboxes, which otherwise was considered the “turf” of JLU.

    Meanwhile, Tizzers was doing a fantastic job. Yeah, Windowlic and pals, recruited with Tizzers help, helped us decimate the PN with psyop after psyop, first the Angel = Mudkips story, which forced Mudkips to retire, then come back and ban every PN from their forum, which resulted in HIM being banned. Then Yaranaika was elected, we got the full logs of every IP address of every person who ever posted to PN, 7chan, Voter5, and Woodbury IRC and forums, along with a lot of other goodies.

    Yara was outed as a furry by Nigrapassion, and JWAN was elected PN leader, but was ALSO outed as a furry by none other than Windowlic. JWAN exposed N3X15 as a closet furry, founder of the #inflateTF IRC under the name “Jeanette”. All of these PN leaders being outed as furries, closet furries, or simply drama queen weeaboos resulted in mass excursion of members from PN in dusgust. It was truly epic.

    The PN’s only resurgence this fall was due to the rise of deadlycodec as a scripter. Not the neatest programmer, but able to devise some pretty sneaky stuff that kept LL at bay for many weeks, I have to give him props for that. 99% of the PN raids this fall and winter were by deadlycodec acting alone, or leading a raid by a few others organized at random.

    SL is a much safer place due to the efforts of Tizzers Foxchase AGAINST griefing. She put her neck out there, some say too far out there, but did do it all for the good of SL. It is very unfortunate that people like Angel, Kalel, and Prokofy are so cynical about the redeemability of humanity.

    As a banlink mod, Tizzers proved how responsible she was, as did the other two former PN I appointed as banlink mods. Collectively the three of them banned at least 100 PN alts a month.

    I am one person who does believe in the redeemability of people, and while some have betrayed my trust in the past, I can say that Tizzers Foxchase is not one of them. She deserves to come back to SL. If she is not permitted back ever, SL is much poorer place for it, and it speaks volumes about the way in which LL and JLU abuse their power.

  33. FrizzleFry101

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Anyone who actually spied on PN and paid attention (maybe you, JLU?) would see through old Intlib’s story.

    “first the Angel = Mudkips story, which forced Mudkips to retire, then come back and ban every PN from their forum, which resulted in HIM being banned.”

    Actually, people were just looking into that, since it was basically just you screaming “mootykips = fluffy” on slh comments, it wasnt really something people would easily buy. Mudkips left because he was afraid of having his docs dropped, because it would turn out he’s some kind of young genius boy that graduated university at an age of like 16, and so allot of people knew him. And no one was banned from the forums, mootykips just closed the irc channel for about half an hour.

    This “mass excursion of members from PN” was 2 or 3 people who went off to join the FCTC, and now they’re more or less an inch away from rejoining.

    Right now it just sounds like you’re begging for PN attention again, since you’ve fallen into irrelevance since the n1gras focused on better targets like the babyfurs and corsi mousehold (which even the regular furfags hate and would cheer us on for).

    Considering you have to borrow money from your FATHER to support what’s left of your sl “business”, while paying a steady wage to a small handful of former PN that just sit and leech off of you while laughing it up, are you really in a position to stir this up again?

  34. Anonymous

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Holy Fuck Intlibber…holy fuck…

    Your too busy patting yourself on the back and taking credit for every little thing that went on in the bowels of SL. You make it sound like everything went on according your plan. Got delusions of grandeur much?

    Intlibber, do actually believe the vile you spew? It’s as though you are in your very own version of SL completely different from the one everyone else is in.

    I find it funny that you, and similar ilk, keep bringing up that Tizzers was completely innocent. The fact remains that the Lindens kept all his logs and apparently found many many wrong things and violations in those logs. Intlibber, you and others keep saying that it was the fault of anyone who ARed Tizzers that he was finally permabanned, as though they cried wolf. It’s obvious that the Lindens found much much wrong in Tizzers’ logs.

    Lets not forgot the fact that Tizzers attempted to defraud Linden Lab.

    Face it Itlibber, Tizzers took you for a ride and you fell for his act hook line and sinker and now you’re trying to cover your own ass as well his ass, that way no one will see how fucked up you are.

  35. Witness X

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Oh IntLib, you make me laugh so hard. I wonder if you actually believe your lies or if you spout absolute bullshit to make yourself feel better. I suppose it’s a neat little mix of the two: two parts bullshit and a teaspoon of hugbox. (If you don’t know what a hugbox is, I guess you should go look it up so you won’t use those “mems” incorrectly. You wouldn’t want to look like an idiot now would you?)

    Posturing to make yourself seem like the baddest and strongest security goon in the SLH? Is this what you’ve been reduced to? Oh how the mighty Mike Lorrey has fallen. At the same time, you don’t know how much I enjoy watching this charade carry on. As for Tizzers, she is a victim of her own arrogance, as were Windowlic and Mudkips, or should I say, Lance? My only regret here is that Windowlic was not also banned along with Tizzers and her /b/tard buddies.

    The truth is that you, IntLibber, have used griefers like the PN in the past against people you hate, like Anshe Chung, the JLU and Maldavius, and when BnT officials like Jim Schack defected, you made sure the PN mysteriously uncovered their personal information. The reason they target you now is because there was a disagreement between the two of you, just like with Maldavius.

  36. Witness N

    Jan 22nd, 2008


    1. FrizzleFry
    2 thumbs down

    A person who is usually retarded and is interested in bisexual sex with a fat heshe (woman with a mans penis)

    [1:47:29 AM] Tizzers Foxchase says: LOL

  37. FrizzleFry101

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Protip: FrizzleFry is the name of a primus album. (Add the 101 at the end and it’d be relavent.)

  38. Witness Y

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Tizzers was with the PN during SL4B, and was basically the only one crashing the sims, while the PN’s were too busy trying to get to Philip Linden and the others at the center.

  39. Corona

    Jan 22nd, 2008

    Lord afterbirth states

    You’re using the “omg you’re making fun of me you must be pathetic” defence

    the one big flaw in his arguement is that these pathetic fools are not making fun of me
    there behaviour has never effected me, mainly because i have yet to meet any griefers in the 12 months I have been in SL
    this does not prevent me having a reasoned opinion of them

    the point is surely that most people in SL have fun, without needing to trying wreck it for others

    I have read about people who behave like the PN in RL

    in toddler training books – under ‘attention seeking’

  40. IntLibber Brautigan

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    Witness Y,
    Once again, you demonstrate your incredible fail.
    Tizzers Foxchase was banned at the time of SL4B due to the events days previous at Emit Time in parodying the Alliance Navy and its history of griefing.
    Azzu Manga, who many accuse of being Tizzers alt, was sitting next to me at Phillip’s speech and therefore could not have been crashing any sims….. PWNED.

  41. Witness X

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    Let’s tear apart Inblubber’s comment shall we (notice how he doesn’t respond to any counters of his long arrogant rant before this comment)

    “Witness Y,
    Once again, you demonstrate your incredible fail.
    Tizzers Foxchase was banned at the time of SL4B due to the events days previous at Emit Time in parodying the Alliance Navy and its history of griefing.
    Azzu Manga, who many accuse of being Tizzers alt, was sitting next to me at Phillip’s speech and therefore could not have been crashing any sims….. PWNED.”

    Ok Intblibber, apparently you haven’t heard of the methods that enable people to run two SL clients. What an epiphany huh? Or the easier method of just running SL on two comps, simple. Either ways then you can be multiple places at once with multiple alts, needless to say it’s a juggling act but it’s possible.

    Now Azzu Manga IS Tizzers alt. The little turd that Prok met at some lame SL convention who claimed to be Azzu WAS Tizzers, since we’ve been through this countless times Tizzers is a guy in RL (no women on the internets).

    Tizzers was in fact banned for awhile due to the Emit Time raid I’ll give you that point. But, you’ve never really cleaned your hands in that involvement either, considering you played a big role in the background and tried to keep it quiet and hush hush. Using your own spacebucks to help out with the whole ordeal then backing off claiming that you only funded things but didn’t know that Tizzers and his /b/tard ilk would take it as far as they did. You sir, your hands as dirty as Tizzers’ was in that matter. This was no simple parody mind you as well, it went so far as to bring back parallels about Nazi concentration camps…though in this case involving furies (fursecution camps you can say, not that I give a shit about furies)

    The matter is that Tizzers did lead many a PN raid, he lead many a PN cell at during raids, so on and so forth. Do you think he was stupid enough to use a main account, no, he used a throwaway alt like most PN do. But he did raid and he did help raids as well.

    Intblubber, you’re just butthurt cuz you were had. Seriously had. The more you open your mouth the bigger a hole your dig for your blubbery self. Now go back to your mommies and daddies basement and run your e-business.

  42. Witness X

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    O yeah, I forgot. Intlibber had a hand in helping bring the PN back to life when they were nearly dead. He employed a great many of them and then turned them on his business rivals for his own gain. Good job Intblubber!

  43. Fact Checker

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    “The matter is that Tizzers did lead many a PN raid, he lead many a PN cell at during raids, so on and so forth. Do you think he was stupid enough to use a main account, no, he used a throwaway alt like most PN do. But he did raid and he did help raids as well.”

    Prove this. I dare you. I want specific times, locations, and people involved. That’s right, you can’t, because Tizzers was never involved in any raids. Her worst crime was allowing PN to stay at Woodbury.

  44. IntLibber Brautigan

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    Witness X, that is complete slander and totally untrue. Like Fact Checker asked, I dare you, I want specific times, locations, people involved. You are full of absolute bullshit.

    The few I have employed are and were not raiders. Some of them have followed raiders around in order to abuse report them. So, KALEL, STFU or GTFO.

  45. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    “The matter is that Tizzers did lead many a PN raid, he lead many a PN cell at during raids, so on and so forth. Do you think he was stupid enough to use a main account, no, he used a throwaway alt like most PN do. But he did raid and he did help raids as well.”

    An outright fallacy. Tizzers has never lead a single PN raid.

    Not only that, but PN have never had any real ‘Cells’. They once attempted it because they heard that Intlib believed they had a cell structure, and so tried to create one.

    It didn’t last, because nobody was willing to stick to their own cells.

  46. Corona

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    “So, KALEL, STFU or GTFO.”

    Why is it whenever the Herald covers the PN and related topics
    the comments sound like they come from primary school children.

  47. Corona

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    your reply made for interesting reading

    “A real life comparison would be kids in a high school, beating some smaller kid who wears a fake tail to school, kids spitting on someone infront of them in a movie theatre, ect. Allot of this is done by the same people. Assuming they were pathetic simply because they pick on you, is just being blatantly butthurt, and they win.

    not too far from

    “A real life comparison would be kids in a high school, beating some jewish kid who wears different clothing to school,kids spitting on some black kids infront of them in a movie theatre, etc.

    Allot of this is done by the same people. guess your right there

    Would you consider yiffing and fursuits, basically trying to not be a human, immature behaviour? Sure, picking on these kinds of freaks doesn’t give trolls the moral high ground, but then again, how could some degenerate fetishist (furries, goreans, roleplay rape, the people trolls feed on) possibly dictate morality?

    “these kinds of freaks”

    but then again, how could some degenerate fetishist (furries, goreans, roleplay rape, the people trolls feed on) possibly dictate morality?

    but then again, how could some degenerate jews / niggers / other outgroup considered subhuman

    the people trolls feed on) possibly dictate morality?

    These trolls picked the best victims possible.

    oh like the little girl of five who was kidnapped who the PN are reported in a previous herald to have joked about saying

    “it would be amusing and fun to rape her”
    for the luz of course

    picked the best victims possible. yeh right

    but then again, how could some degenerate fetishist possibly dictate morality?

    so basically the PN are the sort of people who consider raping five year old girls fun

    So who is the degenerate exactly?

  48. Jim Schack

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    “…and when BnT officials like Jim Schack defected, you made sure the PN mysteriously uncovered their personal information.”

    yea, i actual have proof that Int employs channers to be their personal army by manipulating and lying;

    [22:51] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: so let me get this straight
    [22:51] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: you made up the angel fluffy is mootykips thing AND the maldy got raped in a warehouse thing?
    [22:51] IntLibber Brautigan: yes
    [22:51] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: lul
    [22:51] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: did you make the song too?
    [22:51] IntLibber Brautigan: tho madelena rossini says the warehouse story is amazingly accurate
    [22:51] IntLibber Brautigan: no I didn’t
    [22:51] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: aww
    [22:52] IntLibber Brautigan: I think alyx made the song
    [22:52] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: so you thought of the angel fluffy thing all by yourself?
    [22:52] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: huh
    [22:52] IntLibber Brautigan: yeah
    [22:52] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: w00t
    [22:53] IntLibber Brautigan: whats totally lulzy is that maldy got griefed by PN for both of them
    [22:53] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: haw
    [22:53] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: that how you planned it?
    [22:53] IntLibber Brautigan: nah
    [22:54] IntLibber Brautigan: maldys so arrogant tho he claimed credit for the angel fluffy story
    [22:54] IntLibber Brautigan: I wasn’t going to contradict him
    [22:54] InternetToughGuy Hotshot: huh
    [22:56] IntLibber Brautigan: and well the warehouse story, I just made that up on the spot on not420chan to troll maldy’s attempt to troll that site

    Int, you’re so cute when you try to talk like a /b/tard =P

  49. Anon

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    >>Intblubber sayz: “Witness X, that is complete slander and totally untrue. Like Fact Checker asked, I dare you, I want specific times, locations, people involved. You are full of absolute bullshit.”

    Oh, so it’s alright for you to slander and pull what you call facts out of your ass but no one else can do it to you. I sees how it is Intblubber

    >>Fact Fucker says: “Prove this. I dare you. I want specific times, locations, and people involved. That’s right, you can’t, because Tizzers was never involved in any raids. Her worst crime was allowing PN to stay at Woodbury.”

    I guess you don’t know what alts are dumbass. Kinda hard to prove things when the proof is GONE in seconds. Tizzers is a real master of covering tracks buts he couldn’t cover for so long which is why he’s B&. Hmm, dems weird shit huh?

    Listen to Jim Schack that man got the inside shit and I hope he posts moar.

  50. anon

    Jan 23rd, 2008

    >Listen to Jim Schack that man got the inside shit

    the last time that man had any sense was on his CROSSFIRE-esque interview with NigConnoiseur on Fagwolf and Fail.

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